$10k Monthly Giveaway Dating in Ukraine. The way the scam works is anyone who posts a comment under one of his videos is AUTOMATICALLY entered in the draw even if they don’t want to be. He chooses 3 of the comments. The first one is the winner, then the second is the runner up and the third is the third runner up. He gets out of awarding it is they didn’t necessarily want to be entered in the draw just because they made a comment. Also one of the conditions of winning in his terms and conditions is they have to appear in his videos at his request.
See his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/MatchGuaranty
He has not responded to any of my emails regarding if none of the three meet his conditions whether he will redo the draw.
Match Guaranty Reviews
$10k Monthly Giveaway Dating in Ukraine. The way the scam works is anyone who posts a comment under one of his videos is AUTOMATICALLY entered in the draw even if they don’t want to be. He chooses 3 of the comments. The first one is the winner, then the second is the runner up and the third is the third runner up. He gets out of awarding it is they didn’t necessarily want to be entered in the draw just because they made a comment. Also one of the conditions of winning in his terms and conditions is they have to appear in his videos at his request.
See his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/MatchGuaranty
He has not responded to any of my emails regarding if none of the three meet his conditions whether he will redo the draw.