It was reasonable for me to expect clarification on any problem his literature raised for me. I contacted him with two simple questions to clarify statements and neither he nor his customer relation employees had the decency to respond. I wrote reminder emails to him on eight separate occasions over a period of five months and I was not afforded even one response during that time.
Stengler promotes himself as a Christian, but true Christians do not conduct their businesses in that manner. He additionally promotes himself as God's greatest gift to suffering humanity so should know better than to publish medical material which he is unable - or unwilling - to clarify.
Mark Stengler, NMD. Reviews
It was reasonable for me to expect clarification on any problem his literature raised for me. I contacted him with two simple questions to clarify statements and neither he nor his customer relation employees had the decency to respond. I wrote reminder emails to him on eight separate occasions over a period of five months and I was not afforded even one response during that time.
Stengler promotes himself as a Christian, but true Christians do not conduct their businesses in that manner. He additionally promotes himself as God's greatest gift to suffering humanity so should know better than to publish medical material which he is unable - or unwilling - to clarify.