Over the course of #18 months Mr. Fraser outlined in excess of #8 projects all of which he maintained he had an equity position in seeking financing for end loan close, none of which was true.
Mr. Fraser uses the Brokerage community at large in the US to shop projects which either he has no interest in nor standing coupled with a lack of equity to bring the purchase to an end close.
Mr. Fraser fancys himself as a turn around specialist having great sucess in saving marginal or at risk projects yet he has little or no liwuidity, misrepresnts the facts and changes deal components when challenged.
Various sources within the lending community are aware of Mr. Fraser's dealings, his track record along with the sorted details of time and effort spent on misrepresentations.
Maple Leaf Management Reviews
Over the course of #18 months Mr. Fraser outlined in excess of #8 projects all of which he maintained he had an equity position in seeking financing for end loan close, none of which was true.
Mr. Fraser uses the Brokerage community at large in the US to shop projects which either he has no interest in nor standing coupled with a lack of equity to bring the purchase to an end close.
Mr. Fraser fancys himself as a turn around specialist having great sucess in saving marginal or at risk projects yet he has little or no liwuidity, misrepresnts the facts and changes deal components when challenged.
Various sources within the lending community are aware of Mr. Fraser's dealings, his track record along with the sorted details of time and effort spent on misrepresentations.
Be aware and steer clear.