Fake Bags !!! $40,000 and they send me two cheap knock offs. By email Luxwear explained they also carry imitation bags and due to a "clerical" error I was went them by mistake. I guess, "Our bags are 100% authentic, and all were purchased at a Hermès store" was too good to be true. Luxwear instructed me by email to retun the bags and their mistake would be "immediately" rectified.
Bags were returned by fed ex and signed for. My two genuine Birkins never arrived. Countelss emails, phone calls and letters were ignored by Luxwear. I demanded a refund. No response. As Luxwear states, "we will issue your refund within 2 working days". I waited too long to dispute it by credit card and the federal law called the Fair Credit Billing Act which protects online transaction was useless.
I contacted the police who told me I would have to file a federal case and off the record they said it would be pointless. Lawyers I consulted said it is near impossible to sucessfully bring charges against an online vendor from another country. It would take forever, cost way too much and you probably will never see your money or bags regardless.
Never buy from Luxwear. They are in another country for a reason. So they can rob you and there is nothing you can do.
Luxwear Hermes Birkin Handbags Reviews
Fake Bags !!! $40,000 and they send me two cheap knock offs. By email Luxwear explained they also carry imitation bags and due to a "clerical" error I was went them by mistake. I guess, "Our bags are 100% authentic, and all were purchased at a Hermès store" was too good to be true. Luxwear instructed me by email to retun the bags and their mistake would be "immediately" rectified.
Bags were returned by fed ex and signed for. My two genuine Birkins never arrived. Countelss emails, phone calls and letters were ignored by Luxwear. I demanded a refund. No response. As Luxwear states, "we will issue your refund within 2 working days". I waited too long to dispute it by credit card and the federal law called the Fair Credit Billing Act which protects online transaction was useless.
I contacted the police who told me I would have to file a federal case and off the record they said it would be pointless. Lawyers I consulted said it is near impossible to sucessfully bring charges against an online vendor from another country. It would take forever, cost way too much and you probably will never see your money or bags regardless.
Never buy from Luxwear. They are in another country for a reason. So they can rob you and there is nothing you can do.