Buyer Beware when you purchase from LuLaRoe. Do not expect the company or the independent retailer to assist you when you experience an issue. The retailer is not obligated by LuLaRoe to offer you a credit or to refund your money under any circumstances. If you can ever get through to customer service, you will wait months for a response, then you will receive the runaround for several more months with absolutely no resolution. I kept screendhots, invoices, pictures and details. To LuLaRoe, they dont matter. I would not reccomend buying anything from these crooks as they will take your hard earned money and give you the wrong thing, or the wrong size or defective clothing. Go to the store and buy some leggings, they might not be that soft but at least you know what you are getting and the store will honor any defective clothing they sell.
LuLaRoe Reviews
Buyer Beware when you purchase from LuLaRoe. Do not expect the company or the independent retailer to assist you when you experience an issue. The retailer is not obligated by LuLaRoe to offer you a credit or to refund your money under any circumstances. If you can ever get through to customer service, you will wait months for a response, then you will receive the runaround for several more months with absolutely no resolution. I kept screendhots, invoices, pictures and details. To LuLaRoe, they dont matter. I would not reccomend buying anything from these crooks as they will take your hard earned money and give you the wrong thing, or the wrong size or defective clothing. Go to the store and buy some leggings, they might not be that soft but at least you know what you are getting and the store will honor any defective clothing they sell.