Liveplay has a history of non payment for services rendered. He posts adds on Craigslist looking for camera operators. People are working with no insurance coverage, no workers comp. insane long days, no OT. no lunch.
when the contract runs out the money is gone and someone is left not getting paid, because he paid himself and spent the money. Really poor business practices. for the employee, and IMO the people that hire him.
LivePlay Sports, Inc. Reviews
Liveplay has a history of non payment for services rendered. He posts adds on Craigslist looking for camera operators. People are working with no insurance coverage, no workers comp. insane long days, no OT. no lunch.
when the contract runs out the money is gone and someone is left not getting paid, because he paid himself and spent the money. Really poor business practices. for the employee, and IMO the people that hire him.