I have written a few remarks about LIFECHURCH and a few of the incidents that have occurred there. NOT just towards me, but towards my child, and now that the time has come I will now release other victims though will not mention their real names in this complaint who have literally come directly to me and have disclosed their distasteful information about this church, that calls itself, a house of God
First, and foremost my church experienced went south, due to the facts that people gossip about leadership being whoremongers. It is actually, unruly, and if these remarks were true that some of the pastors in this church have relationships with other staff women who are not their wives, that they be removed from ministry.
I heard a few things in regards to immortality in the church, and this is such a major ethical rule, not just for a person, a woman, a man, or teacher, or preacher, but for society in general. It is punishable, disciplinary, and should never be praised for or allowed.
I was told a few things about a particular pastor here that he was leaving his wife for me, and when I didn't respond to what I was told by another person. I remained paralyzed, hurt, confused, scared and had intense fear settle in my bones, my mouth, my heart. I was crushed inside, I didn't know the guy, but the following evening, I was called ugly by him, in front of his wife, another female staff member whom he had been standing next too, and the former worship leader...and pretty much everyone in the church.
I haven't been called ugly since the 2nd grade, and how is that conduct appropriate by a supposed minister, and to top it off, he left with the staff lady and came back after several minutes and stood in front of his wife. He ended up leaving, and a person in the choir blurted out that he had relations with the woman.
It's just you talk bad or treat another person disrespectfully about someone in front of others, judge them for a bad hair day, or being sick. People are going to talk about you, but don't be double standard over it.
I didn't come to this church for people, I came for Jesus Christ, to follow him, his ways, and not have to be forced to air out the problems that my child and I suffered over the abuses that we received in this church, over a rumor that someone else started. It causes problems, and I was harassed and called names by people who never introduced themselves to me. I tried calling and trying to get a hold of a person here, every single person, has ignored me and has literally gotten in my face in front of my child and tell me to leave the church.
People have slandered my name, labelled me, told police stories about me in order to get them to unethically and unprofessionally communicate with me and threaten me over this church. I want people to know I was told not to return to Lifechurch by a cop after he said I was posing a threat to it. I told him the main issue, why people are crawling to them and talking about a certain pastor and I for. I was threatened to be arrested because I told him the truth, the truth is, I was told a pastor was leaving his wife for me and had relations with another woman at the church.
People have said that I have stalked members and pastors in the church. I have been a member for 20 years, baptized, wrote my own personal story about the YEARS that my pastor has spoken prophesies and events in the future about the Lord, supported the church finanically, tithed, gave, wanted to be involved and talk about Jesus.
I have been accused of being mentally ill and stalking a person at this church, and my doctor is aware of that, and has supported me in this matter, that people want to keep talking and trashing, they can call him up. Needless to say, the ongoing harassment and threats I receive from people in the church that tell me to leave in front of my kid. We do not know you, and you hurt my child. You want to tlry to keep the church reputation clean, it's not about the church reputation, pastors or staff members reputation, it's about Jesus.
When you stop violating the church constitution, members by law rights, and quite discriminating against someone's name when you see it or hear it, you leave my name of out your mouth. I done nothing but try to come to this church, get involved, support the vision the Lord gave my pastor, and not be hounded and bothered by people who said the church was going to help my daughter and I when we were living in hotels, and then become homeless because someone wants to start drama and get legalistic.
I'm not doing this to RUIN the church or pose any threat to it. This is for people to wake up and see that these are perilous times, the body of Christ needs to come to gether and unite, be the children of God that we need to be, the time of the ends are near and the more illegal and unbiblical and abusive drama that occurs in the church, the more they get away with the pride and hypocrisy it produces.
I love my church - I love my pastor - I love my brothers and sisters here, but when they start clickin', gossiping and calling people names, when there are rumors of their unexcusable behaviors and how immoral they are. We need to work on ourselves and how we are going to be used and become examples for Christ.
Many people come to me and said they seen women dressed like prostitutes coming out of the church on a Saturday, with all the doors wide open, they said themselves they thought something definately was going on there.
A young woman wrote me and said to me..she was battling problems with her sexuality and came to this church. She said that she knows the pastors wives are bisexual, one of the pastors wives was kissing another female staff member in the parking lot, she also said, the pastors wive was buying sex toys that are used female to female, and it raised a question. She also said she heard the pastors were swingers.
I was told the founding pastor had turned away conversation from an attendee and she was extremely upset.
I was told by a woman living in a hotel, she hated the pastor.
I was told by a young man that a pastor told him he wasn't mature enough to partake in ministry at the church.
I was told by another woman living in a hotel, her daughter was stalked by a young man who attended the church, that was trying to get her to have sexual relations with him.
I read and heard and known many things about this church.
My daughter was hospitalized after we attended July 17th, 2016 because I askked a person about the apartment my daughter and I never got. I was then threatened and told to leave. I had a cop press a charge on me for trespassing. I had unfair trials, have notes from cops who have spoken to me in a very harassing matter, and people want to say, this church does nothing wrong, when my daughter's faith has been destroyed and has been hurt by the actions of adults in this church.
I am not trying to make this church look bad, or air out dirty laundry or broadcast all the rumors I heard.
I feel this church is more mayhem than it is a ministry.
You get treated as if you are a stalker here, when you are the own who has strangers approach your child and tell you to leave. I don't hurt child. But, it's perfectly okay at LIFECHURCH to hurt a child over a pastor who has been trashed by people in the church in regards to his relationship with another staff member, and I'm the stalker.
If my bylaws weren't violated by the church and it's staff members and being forced to stay out of the church.
I'm sorry for the loss of individuals who have been put in position in this church. I am very appaulled by this all.
This isn't about power and position.
People forget - the church is the body of Christ.
Not owned by anyone on Larkin Williams Drive; but owned by Jesus.
I'm sorry if this hurts or offends anyone.
The truth be told though - My daughter got hurt because of all these things and no one would do anything about it, just to say. I'm sorry you were hurt, this is who Jesus is and what he does for the little children. I couldn't even get a conversation about the Lord with a pastor here.
It just saddens me that my heart be set on a place I know the Lord called me too, and it be destroyed by the actions of others. I have prayed and been forgiving for these things that occurred, and try to not listen to the down side of things, but as I mentioned earlier. These types of churches, are wrong, they need accountablity, responsiblity, honesty, loyalty, Christ, and leadership that will not let on, abuse and ignore.
I have written a few remarks about LIFECHURCH and a few of the incidents that have occurred there. NOT just towards me, but towards my child, and now that the time has come I will now release other victims though will not mention their real names in this complaint who have literally come directly to me and have disclosed their distasteful information about this church, that calls itself, a house of God
First, and foremost my church experienced went south, due to the facts that people gossip about leadership being whoremongers. It is actually, unruly, and if these remarks were true that some of the pastors in this church have relationships with other staff women who are not their wives, that they be removed from ministry.
I heard a few things in regards to immortality in the church, and this is such a major ethical rule, not just for a person, a woman, a man, or teacher, or preacher, but for society in general. It is punishable, disciplinary, and should never be praised for or allowed.
I was told a few things about a particular pastor here that he was leaving his wife for me, and when I didn't respond to what I was told by another person. I remained paralyzed, hurt, confused, scared and had intense fear settle in my bones, my mouth, my heart. I was crushed inside, I didn't know the guy, but the following evening, I was called ugly by him, in front of his wife, another female staff member whom he had been standing next too, and the former worship leader...and pretty much everyone in the church.
I haven't been called ugly since the 2nd grade, and how is that conduct appropriate by a supposed minister, and to top it off, he left with the staff lady and came back after several minutes and stood in front of his wife. He ended up leaving, and a person in the choir blurted out that he had relations with the woman.
It's just you talk bad or treat another person disrespectfully about someone in front of others, judge them for a bad hair day, or being sick. People are going to talk about you, but don't be double standard over it.
I didn't come to this church for people, I came for Jesus Christ, to follow him, his ways, and not have to be forced to air out the problems that my child and I suffered over the abuses that we received in this church, over a rumor that someone else started. It causes problems, and I was harassed and called names by people who never introduced themselves to me. I tried calling and trying to get a hold of a person here, every single person, has ignored me and has literally gotten in my face in front of my child and tell me to leave the church.
People have slandered my name, labelled me, told police stories about me in order to get them to unethically and unprofessionally communicate with me and threaten me over this church. I want people to know I was told not to return to Lifechurch by a cop after he said I was posing a threat to it. I told him the main issue, why people are crawling to them and talking about a certain pastor and I for. I was threatened to be arrested because I told him the truth, the truth is, I was told a pastor was leaving his wife for me and had relations with another woman at the church.
People have said that I have stalked members and pastors in the church. I have been a member for 20 years, baptized, wrote my own personal story about the YEARS that my pastor has spoken prophesies and events in the future about the Lord, supported the church finanically, tithed, gave, wanted to be involved and talk about Jesus.
I have been accused of being mentally ill and stalking a person at this church, and my doctor is aware of that, and has supported me in this matter, that people want to keep talking and trashing, they can call him up. Needless to say, the ongoing harassment and threats I receive from people in the church that tell me to leave in front of my kid. We do not know you, and you hurt my child. You want to tlry to keep the church reputation clean, it's not about the church reputation, pastors or staff members reputation, it's about Jesus.
When you stop violating the church constitution, members by law rights, and quite discriminating against someone's name when you see it or hear it, you leave my name of out your mouth. I done nothing but try to come to this church, get involved, support the vision the Lord gave my pastor, and not be hounded and bothered by people who said the church was going to help my daughter and I when we were living in hotels, and then become homeless because someone wants to start drama and get legalistic.
I'm not doing this to RUIN the church or pose any threat to it. This is for people to wake up and see that these are perilous times, the body of Christ needs to come to gether and unite, be the children of God that we need to be, the time of the ends are near and the more illegal and unbiblical and abusive drama that occurs in the church, the more they get away with the pride and hypocrisy it produces.
I love my church - I love my pastor - I love my brothers and sisters here, but when they start clickin', gossiping and calling people names, when there are rumors of their unexcusable behaviors and how immoral they are. We need to work on ourselves and how we are going to be used and become examples for Christ.
Many people come to me and said they seen women dressed like prostitutes coming out of the church on a Saturday, with all the doors wide open, they said themselves they thought something definately was going on there.
A young woman wrote me and said to me..she was battling problems with her sexuality and came to this church. She said that she knows the pastors wives are bisexual, one of the pastors wives was kissing another female staff member in the parking lot, she also said, the pastors wive was buying sex toys that are used female to female, and it raised a question. She also said she heard the pastors were swingers.
I was told the founding pastor had turned away conversation from an attendee and she was extremely upset.
I was told by a woman living in a hotel, she hated the pastor.
I was told by a young man that a pastor told him he wasn't mature enough to partake in ministry at the church.
I was told by another woman living in a hotel, her daughter was stalked by a young man who attended the church, that was trying to get her to have sexual relations with him.
I read and heard and known many things about this church.
My daughter was hospitalized after we attended July 17th, 2016 because I askked a person about the apartment my daughter and I never got. I was then threatened and told to leave. I had a cop press a charge on me for trespassing. I had unfair trials, have notes from cops who have spoken to me in a very harassing matter, and people want to say, this church does nothing wrong, when my daughter's faith has been destroyed and has been hurt by the actions of adults in this church.
I am not trying to make this church look bad, or air out dirty laundry or broadcast all the rumors I heard.
I feel this church is more mayhem than it is a ministry.
You get treated as if you are a stalker here, when you are the own who has strangers approach your child and tell you to leave. I don't hurt child. But, it's perfectly okay at LIFECHURCH to hurt a child over a pastor who has been trashed by people in the church in regards to his relationship with another staff member, and I'm the stalker.
If my bylaws weren't violated by the church and it's staff members and being forced to stay out of the church.
I'm sorry for the loss of individuals who have been put in position in this church. I am very appaulled by this all.
This isn't about power and position.
People forget - the church is the body of Christ.
Not owned by anyone on Larkin Williams Drive; but owned by Jesus.
I'm sorry if this hurts or offends anyone.
The truth be told though - My daughter got hurt because of all these things and no one would do anything about it, just to say. I'm sorry you were hurt, this is who Jesus is and what he does for the little children. I couldn't even get a conversation about the Lord with a pastor here.
It just saddens me that my heart be set on a place I know the Lord called me too, and it be destroyed by the actions of others. I have prayed and been forgiving for these things that occurred, and try to not listen to the down side of things, but as I mentioned earlier. These types of churches, are wrong, they need accountablity, responsiblity, honesty, loyalty, Christ, and leadership that will not let on, abuse and ignore.