Mr. Home Fix All He post two ads on craigslist for boat repair and Jetske repair which he renews frequently. He steals your parts from your boat under the guise of repairing them. He is not a real shop. He is more like a mobile on chop shop.
He moved used a fake pictures fake invoices threaten to sell or things through and put a lien he dodged the process server I filed a complaint with the attorney generals office for felony larceny
Lee C Carroll Reviews
Mr. Home Fix All He post two ads on craigslist for boat repair and Jetske repair which he renews frequently. He steals your parts from your boat under the guise of repairing them. He is not a real shop. He is more like a mobile on chop shop.
He moved used a fake pictures fake invoices threaten to sell or things through and put a lien he dodged the process server I filed a complaint with the attorney generals office for felony larceny