They sell fake Gucci, made in China. Plastic shoes. You pay 10 times the price they're actually worth. They offered to refund 10% of the price when I told them I didn't like the shoes I bought. No return policy...
WARNING : : __ WARNING : WARNING !!! Biggest liars scammers thiefs and cheats I've dealt with online I didn't get anything after my payment done .
It takes over a month sometimes you stupid cow..your better off boaring daddy's card and go to mall yourself.i know it's a lot of exercise,but just think all that new cloth and two double Big Macs and filet of fish for your brow boyfrieng. Fucking fat lazy girls, well I got my hat yesterday props guys strIght out of canada Reviews
Warning!!! Fake items!
They sell fake Gucci, made in China. Plastic shoes. You pay 10 times the price they're actually worth. They offered to refund 10% of the price when I told them I didn't like the shoes I bought. No return policy...
WARNING : : __ WARNING : WARNING !!! Biggest liars scammers thiefs and cheats I've dealt with online I didn't get anything after my payment done .
They keep brushing me off . "
It takes over a month sometimes you stupid cow..your better off boaring daddy's card and go to mall yourself.i know it's a lot of exercise,but just think all that new cloth and two double Big Macs and filet of fish for your brow boyfrieng. Fucking fat lazy girls, well I got my hat yesterday props guys strIght out of canada