If you are looking to buy/sell a home, I strongly advise to look else where! Although Amarjot Lamba, otherwise known as AJ Lamba, does have a few decent realtors, he himself is by far the most unproffesional "Broker of Record" within the GTA.
Mr.Lamba never has staff that remains within his company for more than a 3 month period. He works people to their core and refuses to pay people properly! He hires movers, painters, contractors etc, but will not pay them the appropriate amount nor ontime, which then affects the buying/selling of a home.
Numerous times Mr.Lamba has painted over mold, hid cracks in homes, stains on carpets and more. He advises his employers to hide all flaws within a home therefore no one can see them and it will " be quicker and easier to sell."
Mr.Lamba is known for hiding offers, refusings offers and refusing other parties to present offers. He was previously fined a great deal of money for this.
With the above being said, Mr.Lamba himself refuses to directly work with any clients. He will not answer their phone calls personally, he will not address their concerns, nor will he reach out to the customer in anyway. He will have a personal assisant, who is not trained, not a real estate agent, and who has little to none experience , do all of his work for him. I personally have tried to get in contact with Mr.Lamba numerous tmes regarding the sale of my own home, to only be speaking to someone who constantly told me I would have to speak to them instead.
Instead of negotiating appropriately, Mr.Lamba will belittle people. He will lie and and stratigically manipulate people. i reccomended recording anything this man ever says to you, because he will refuse to do most of the things promises.
Mr.Lamba will say everything and everything in order to get somone to sign, however once you do, you will be extremely disapointed. If you are looking to sell/buy a home, you want the very best & stress free, however, you will not recieve that type of treatment with this company.
LAMBA Realty Group, Inc. Reviews
If you are looking to buy/sell a home, I strongly advise to look else where! Although Amarjot Lamba, otherwise known as AJ Lamba, does have a few decent realtors, he himself is by far the most unproffesional "Broker of Record" within the GTA.
Mr.Lamba never has staff that remains within his company for more than a 3 month period. He works people to their core and refuses to pay people properly! He hires movers, painters, contractors etc, but will not pay them the appropriate amount nor ontime, which then affects the buying/selling of a home.
Numerous times Mr.Lamba has painted over mold, hid cracks in homes, stains on carpets and more. He advises his employers to hide all flaws within a home therefore no one can see them and it will " be quicker and easier to sell."
Mr.Lamba is known for hiding offers, refusings offers and refusing other parties to present offers. He was previously fined a great deal of money for this.
With the above being said, Mr.Lamba himself refuses to directly work with any clients. He will not answer their phone calls personally, he will not address their concerns, nor will he reach out to the customer in anyway. He will have a personal assisant, who is not trained, not a real estate agent, and who has little to none experience , do all of his work for him. I personally have tried to get in contact with Mr.Lamba numerous tmes regarding the sale of my own home, to only be speaking to someone who constantly told me I would have to speak to them instead.
Instead of negotiating appropriately, Mr.Lamba will belittle people. He will lie and and stratigically manipulate people. i reccomended recording anything this man ever says to you, because he will refuse to do most of the things promises.
Mr.Lamba will say everything and everything in order to get somone to sign, however once you do, you will be extremely disapointed. If you are looking to sell/buy a home, you want the very best & stress free, however, you will not recieve that type of treatment with this company.