Kris Maier began as the model employee and quickly moved her way into management. Within 6 months of taking a managment position, suspicious activity began showing up in customer accounts.
Customers were contacted on delinquent accounts in which they responded that they had paid Kris Maier personally several months ago. The situation was resolved quickly once the embezzlement was brought to light.
Tread with extreme caution if you plan to put Kris on your payroll.
Kristine Maier Reviews
Kris Maier began as the model employee and quickly moved her way into management. Within 6 months of taking a managment position, suspicious activity began showing up in customer accounts.
Customers were contacted on delinquent accounts in which they responded that they had paid Kris Maier personally several months ago. The situation was resolved quickly once the embezzlement was brought to light.
Tread with extreme caution if you plan to put Kris on your payroll.