Camille sable, avenida rio branco 1, edif 8 andar sala 815, centro, rio de janero, brazil, offered a mtn with a fv of 2 bi usd for monetization.
Doing the dd on the file she sent i found two bank officer´s signatures who definitely can not sign for the issuing bank, royal bank of canada or for swift, as both changed to other positions in other banks.
Asking mrs. Sable whether this was done by mistake she never came back to me. She simply ignores the matter, sending fraudulent bank letters.
I am ready to give evidence by sending the contracts and bank letters.
Klaus Tiefringer Reviews
Camille sable, avenida rio branco 1, edif 8 andar sala 815, centro, rio de janero, brazil, offered a mtn with a fv of 2 bi usd for monetization.
Doing the dd on the file she sent i found two bank officer´s signatures who definitely can not sign for the issuing bank, royal bank of canada or for swift, as both changed to other positions in other banks.
Asking mrs. Sable whether this was done by mistake she never came back to me. She simply ignores the matter, sending fraudulent bank letters.
I am ready to give evidence by sending the contracts and bank letters.
Klaus tiefringer
Certified bank officer