My account has been disabled since they said they I am selling fake/replica sneaker in their website. All of my product come from HK nike, It is impossible for me sneakers to be fake. I provide every evidences to prove that my sneakers are 100% legit and they just ignore me. I ask them how you make the judgement that my sneakers are fakes? and they can't even give me a reason. Also, I have 12 transaction in Kixify and NONE OF MY CUSTOMER said that my sneaker are fake and even half of them are willing to give me positive feedback. The staff who reply to me is Greg. Reviews
My account has been disabled since they said they I am selling fake/replica sneaker in their website. All of my product come from HK nike, It is impossible for me sneakers to be fake. I provide every evidences to prove that my sneakers are 100% legit and they just ignore me. I ask them how you make the judgement that my sneakers are fakes? and they can't even give me a reason. Also, I have 12 transaction in Kixify and NONE OF MY CUSTOMER said that my sneaker are fake and even half of them are willing to give me positive feedback. The staff who reply to me is Greg.