My mother Betty was placed in this home and it was an absolutely horrible experience. My mother was placed here for a year and we had to her removed because of the terrible conditions she was treated under. The owener Judith Barajas was extremely rude and difficult to deal with, when gave her 60 days in advance that we wanted to move her to a new facility she was very un polite. Others were treated unfairly and the entire time of her Stay it was a difficult situation. We recommend this place gets shut down immediately. This is not fair how they treat individuals who require the rest of there lives to have nothing but peace and God's Blessings. We are suing these unlawful business practices and we suggest to do your research like we did!
Kenny Elderly Care Reviews
My mother Betty was placed in this home and it was an absolutely horrible experience. My mother was placed here for a year and we had to her removed because of the terrible conditions she was treated under. The owener Judith Barajas was extremely rude and difficult to deal with, when gave her 60 days in advance that we wanted to move her to a new facility she was very un polite. Others were treated unfairly and the entire time of her Stay it was a difficult situation. We recommend this place gets shut down immediately. This is not fair how they treat individuals who require the rest of there lives to have nothing but peace and God's Blessings. We are suing these unlawful business practices and we suggest to do your research like we did!