Rev. James Nicholas (Nick) Stemple II has severe controlling OCD. Nick's disease requires constant praise. Nick appears to have freely handed his soul to Satan changing from preaching godly messages to those influenced by Satan. Nick's obsessive control even extends to who is wife Sharon Stemple may speak with if she wishes to remain obedient.
Nick appears to be controlled by money and expects thousands from those that attend. The more of Other People’s Money (OPM) Nick has control of to spend as he pleases seems to damper his OCD disease. Praise apparently helps Nick feel that people worship him as a God.
Nick is not a pastor that will search and nurture lost sheep as scriptures requires. Nick’s witness and actions show no remorse for his bad freewill choices. Rather Nick will, in a coward’s way, remove those that question his decisions from his cult appearing Ministry. If you accept Nick's commands with praise, Nick will lure you closer and spend thousands of OPM to purchase you gifts. Nick now bought you to serve him.
Nick boasts how he (not prayerfully to God) convinced Convoy of Hope to deliver a truckload of food and supplies for him and his like-minded friends in other AG colts, a second time. This is not a disaster need. This is selfish greed for praise, to exemplify his manipulative ways. He has made notification to those he doesn’t agree with his ways (a coward’s way), that none of them, although in despite need are allowed at his AG compound to receive from Convoy of Hope. This will be a party to praise Nick’s ego, and wine and dine Convoy of Hope driver and his wife with OPM.
Nick’s decisions have caused the church membership to drop to a new all-time low of about 18 head nodding yes people. Redemption needs to happen immediately, if there is still a chance.
Because of Nick Stemple’s actions, most of the people that are barred from receiving and their worldwide allies, will cease giving generously to an extremely worthwhile cause, Convoy of Hope.
Convoy of Hope in trying to do good blindsidedly by freewill choice will cause themselves harm if they choose to carry out this gesture of good will. We pray for God’s intervention.
God Jehovah provides equally for all his children.
Keene Assembly of God Reviews
Rev. James Nicholas (Nick) Stemple II has severe controlling OCD. Nick's disease requires constant praise. Nick appears to have freely handed his soul to Satan changing from preaching godly messages to those influenced by Satan. Nick's obsessive control even extends to who is wife Sharon Stemple may speak with if she wishes to remain obedient.
Nick appears to be controlled by money and expects thousands from those that attend. The more of Other People’s Money (OPM) Nick has control of to spend as he pleases seems to damper his OCD disease. Praise apparently helps Nick feel that people worship him as a God.
Nick is not a pastor that will search and nurture lost sheep as scriptures requires. Nick’s witness and actions show no remorse for his bad freewill choices. Rather Nick will, in a coward’s way, remove those that question his decisions from his cult appearing Ministry. If you accept Nick's commands with praise, Nick will lure you closer and spend thousands of OPM to purchase you gifts. Nick now bought you to serve him.
Nick boasts how he (not prayerfully to God) convinced Convoy of Hope to deliver a truckload of food and supplies for him and his like-minded friends in other AG colts, a second time. This is not a disaster need. This is selfish greed for praise, to exemplify his manipulative ways. He has made notification to those he doesn’t agree with his ways (a coward’s way), that none of them, although in despite need are allowed at his AG compound to receive from Convoy of Hope. This will be a party to praise Nick’s ego, and wine and dine Convoy of Hope driver and his wife with OPM.
Nick’s decisions have caused the church membership to drop to a new all-time low of about 18 head nodding yes people. Redemption needs to happen immediately, if there is still a chance.
Because of Nick Stemple’s actions, most of the people that are barred from receiving and their worldwide allies, will cease giving generously to an extremely worthwhile cause, Convoy of Hope.
Convoy of Hope in trying to do good blindsidedly by freewill choice will cause themselves harm if they choose to carry out this gesture of good will. We pray for God’s intervention.
God Jehovah provides equally for all his children.