On November 27, 2017, I placed an ad on craigslist in the “wanted” section and on kijji in the “tickets” section for the Colin James Blues Trio concert being held on March 15 2018. The ad said they must be Orchestra seats and preferably near the front. I received a text message the next day saying this person had 2 tickets as meeting my request. When asking if we could meet to process the transaction, they said they live in Vancouver but work in Alberta. I asked if they would be in Vancouver around Christmas time so we could meet up. They said they weren’t sure but have sold tickets this way before: they would screenshot their ID and proof of ticket purchase to me, I would e-transfer the funds and then they would email me the tickets. I e-transferred $110.00 for 2 tickets through my bank account at the CIBC on Nov.
28, 2017.
When I didn’t receive the tickets by email right after, I texted back asking for them. Still no reply to this, I called the telephone number 1-587-408-7309 and it rang about 2 times then there was silence and it seemed my called was transferred to another number where a voice said in a girl’s voice “You have reached your friend’s voice mail. Please leave a message after the tone.” I knew at that point it must have been a scam. I did leave a message saying I wanted my tickets and attempted a few more text messages and some other telephone calls to no avail. I called my bank this morning to see if I was able to get the funds retrieved and they said there was nothing they could do because the security question was answered and they accepted the money.
Kate Loiuse Grinter Reviews
On November 27, 2017, I placed an ad on craigslist in the “wanted” section and on kijji in the “tickets” section for the Colin James Blues Trio concert being held on March 15 2018. The ad said they must be Orchestra seats and preferably near the front. I received a text message the next day saying this person had 2 tickets as meeting my request. When asking if we could meet to process the transaction, they said they live in Vancouver but work in Alberta. I asked if they would be in Vancouver around Christmas time so we could meet up. They said they weren’t sure but have sold tickets this way before: they would screenshot their ID and proof of ticket purchase to me, I would e-transfer the funds and then they would email me the tickets. I e-transferred $110.00 for 2 tickets through my bank account at the CIBC on Nov.
28, 2017.
When I didn’t receive the tickets by email right after, I texted back asking for them. Still no reply to this, I called the telephone number 1-587-408-7309 and it rang about 2 times then there was silence and it seemed my called was transferred to another number where a voice said in a girl’s voice “You have reached your friend’s voice mail. Please leave a message after the tone.” I knew at that point it must have been a scam. I did leave a message saying I wanted my tickets and attempted a few more text messages and some other telephone calls to no avail. I called my bank this morning to see if I was able to get the funds retrieved and they said there was nothing they could do because the security question was answered and they accepted the money.
This person obviously scammed me for the money!