This so called consulting firm stalks Craigslist seeking to employ virtual assistants, event planners, makeup artists and modeling consultants for photo shoots and events.
They tell you to sign contracts for consulting in the hopes you gain exposure to the entertainment business and get paid. You will get calls and repeated emails to submit pictures, resumes, bios, etc.
After 3 months of receiving no consulting but told make unsolicited phone calls, emails and text messages for photo shoots and event appearances, you will no longer hear from them when it comes to getting you results or payment.
They now use a websit,, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to stalk potential clients!
K Cyrus Consulting, Intl Reviews
This so called consulting firm stalks Craigslist seeking to employ virtual assistants, event planners, makeup artists and modeling consultants for photo shoots and events.
They tell you to sign contracts for consulting in the hopes you gain exposure to the entertainment business and get paid. You will get calls and repeated emails to submit pictures, resumes, bios, etc.
After 3 months of receiving no consulting but told make unsolicited phone calls, emails and text messages for photo shoots and event appearances, you will no longer hear from them when it comes to getting you results or payment.
They now use a websit,, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to stalk potential clients!