I made a purchase on the Just Riding online shop. The misrepresented the sizing of their helmets. I ordered a custom helmet for my daughter and was very sure about her sizing as we had gotten her fitted locally knowing the helmet will be custom made. The company misrepresented the sizing charge between the European size and US size on their website. They even admitted this error. Still they were incredibly rude when we wanted to get an exchange after paying a hefty duty fee at that! We waited monthis for the helmet to be made and then it arrives a size too large. Their solution was to add more padding. This padding is a joke and made no difference in the sizing one bit not to mention it's uncomfortable. Moslty the helmet will not stay on which obviously won't protect my daughter's head from injury should she fall in competition on her horse.
The communication via email was degrading at best. They never accepted accountability, were incredibly condesending and rude. I was ripped off big time. I just wanted the helmet we initially ordered and would have gladly sent the other one back and requested a ship back label. Upon initial email they ignored me. It wasn't until I said I was going to share my experience online that they started emailing me back. The rude customer care and the arrogance of the owner were frustrating to say the least. I've decided to share my experience in hopes to prevent others from having to be treated so poorly and investing a large amount into a product that is misrepresented on their online web shop. Lesson learned never to purchase from Just Riding again. Buyer Beware!! https://justriding.com
Just Riding Reviews
I made a purchase on the Just Riding online shop. The misrepresented the sizing of their helmets. I ordered a custom helmet for my daughter and was very sure about her sizing as we had gotten her fitted locally knowing the helmet will be custom made. The company misrepresented the sizing charge between the European size and US size on their website. They even admitted this error. Still they were incredibly rude when we wanted to get an exchange after paying a hefty duty fee at that! We waited monthis for the helmet to be made and then it arrives a size too large. Their solution was to add more padding. This padding is a joke and made no difference in the sizing one bit not to mention it's uncomfortable. Moslty the helmet will not stay on which obviously won't protect my daughter's head from injury should she fall in competition on her horse.
The communication via email was degrading at best. They never accepted accountability, were incredibly condesending and rude. I was ripped off big time. I just wanted the helmet we initially ordered and would have gladly sent the other one back and requested a ship back label. Upon initial email they ignored me. It wasn't until I said I was going to share my experience online that they started emailing me back. The rude customer care and the arrogance of the owner were frustrating to say the least. I've decided to share my experience in hopes to prevent others from having to be treated so poorly and investing a large amount into a product that is misrepresented on their online web shop. Lesson learned never to purchase from Just Riding again. Buyer Beware!! https://justriding.com