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Journey Hemp Co.

Country United States
State Florida
City Orlando
Phone 561 453 0671

Journey Hemp Co. Reviews

  • Feb 26, 2023

Journey Hemp Company needs to be aware of who the face of Fizzy Delta-8 & Fizzy Delta-9 Infused Sodas is.

Joseph Ilardi - Co-Founder, President & Chief Operating Officer - Fizzy Infused Beverages - Journey Hemp Co - Clean Green Extractions - Kratom Nutraceuticals is a horrible person to have associated with this brand unless the company supports his behavior.

Joseph Ilardi who gave himself the nickname Dr. Joe Fizzy tries to promote himself and Fizzy Delta-8 & Fizzy Delta-9 Infused Sodas as an alternative to alcohol. He promotes it as safe to party with. In Orlando recently Dr. Joe Fizzy was incredibly disrespectful toward women in the location. He was also using cocaine openly with a group while consuming Fizzy as well as mixed alcoholic drinks.

He uses his position to attract young women while viewing them as nothing more than meat. I have no doubt that Joesph Ilardi only cares about putting money in his pocket so that he can purchase drugs, and flaunt and attract women to his side.

Journey Hemp Company will regret allowing this slimy, creepy perverted man to be the face of a company that has potential.

Message to Journey Hemp Company... DO BETTER

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