Jessica adbertise in seeking arrenment to meet a wealthy man. Jessica just broke with a x football player which mistreater her so was her unlucky one to fill the x football playrts shoes. I was treated shitty and asker her 4 times i was done yet she always came back. This when the fraud started she wanted me to pay 15 grand for a blood transfusion for her dog. Next it was 10 grand to fix hr dogs. Knee cap. Understanding i was recording the calls andvstill more fraud. Now i find out shes a model for a bikni bike mag She eas in the navy as s mechanical tech not a resuce swommerlyed and more lyes. She lyes with a lady which are probably lez. She must not like men. Beware of her she will rob you blind. Her ttick shes ok looking small tiny breast. Very short. She will cry on the phone because her boy friend break up. beware men she will defraud you with a blood trasunion of 15,000 for her dog and the other scams is her dog needs the dogs knee capps scraped. Oh BOY fraud
Jessica Tucker Reviews
Jessica adbertise in seeking arrenment to meet a wealthy man. Jessica just broke with a x football player which mistreater her so was her unlucky one to fill the x football playrts shoes. I was treated shitty and asker her 4 times i was done yet she always came back. This when the fraud started she wanted me to pay 15 grand for a blood transfusion for her dog. Next it was 10 grand to fix hr dogs. Knee cap. Understanding i was recording the calls andvstill more fraud. Now i find out shes a model for a bikni bike mag She eas in the navy as s mechanical tech not a resuce swommerlyed and more lyes. She lyes with a lady which are probably lez. She must not like men. Beware of her she will rob you blind. Her ttick shes ok looking small tiny breast. Very short. She will cry on the phone because her boy friend break up. beware men she will defraud you with a blood trasunion of 15,000 for her dog and the other scams is her dog needs the dogs knee capps scraped. Oh BOY fraud