Jamie Black, also known as Jamie Yannetti and Jamie Brewer. She continues to harass a former spouse from 12 Years prior in regards to child support. She has others that do not work under CPS or in any type of field.
They call and harass and ex-husband who is upto date and current on his child support. She continues to do this illegally. She needs to move on with her current life from the last 12 years.
Jamie A Black Reviews
Jamie Black, also known as Jamie Yannetti and Jamie Brewer. She continues to harass a former spouse from 12 Years prior in regards to child support. She has others that do not work under CPS or in any type of field.
They call and harass and ex-husband who is upto date and current on his child support. She continues to do this illegally. She needs to move on with her current life from the last 12 years.