I bought this product three times in one year and upgraded every time because of factory defects and user friendly issues. This product cost anywhere from $400 -$500, with a 30 day store warranty with Rand MCNally company failing to feel any sympathy for a crappy product that they guaranteed to be the best on the market. I am so disappointet with the company and product and their failure to stand behind this product and it's capabilities.
The solution that i was suggested by customer service is that they will only repair the product, to think after purchasing 3 different systems why would I want to continue to use a defective product and not expect a return . I feel that for the amount of money spent I should be able to recieve my money back to buy a product that works.
James Evans Reviews
I bought this product three times in one year and upgraded every time because of factory defects and user friendly issues. This product cost anywhere from $400 -$500, with a 30 day store warranty with Rand MCNally company failing to feel any sympathy for a crappy product that they guaranteed to be the best on the market. I am so disappointet with the company and product and their failure to stand behind this product and it's capabilities.
The solution that i was suggested by customer service is that they will only repair the product, to think after purchasing 3 different systems why would I want to continue to use a defective product and not expect a return . I feel that for the amount of money spent I should be able to recieve my money back to buy a product that works.