Buyer beware! Read the prospectus carefully as all you are doing is allowing the owner to further enrich himself at your expense.
Its all owned by one individual, James Mawhinney who claims through his websites to have over $5B in current projects.
He is also the owner of Mayfair 101 which claims to help companies that approach him. He forgets to state that he actually takes their IP and other information uses it for his own benefit.
IPO Wealth Reviews
Buyer beware! Read the prospectus carefully as all you are doing is allowing the owner to further enrich himself at your expense.
Its all owned by one individual, James Mawhinney who claims through his websites to have over $5B in current projects.
He is also the owner of Mayfair 101 which claims to help companies that approach him. He forgets to state that he actually takes their IP and other information uses it for his own benefit.