PJ Abbott is a fraud. He claims to own Invest USA. All lies. PJ Abbott claims to make bulletproof vests from his bad car sponsorship and to sell sand bags to John Kelly. All lies. PJ Abbott is a con man. Invest USA has no clue who PJ Abbot of Patrick J Abbott is. PJ Abbott uses companies like this to sell fake marketing. He shows you a fake marketing pack with all sorts of lies and fake decisions he claims to own. He will rob you blind. Contact local Texas authorities immedietly if PJ Abbott has also robbed your family of business. Beware of PJ Abbott!!
Invest USA Reviews
PJ Abbott is a fraud. He claims to own Invest USA. All lies. PJ Abbott claims to make bulletproof vests from his bad car sponsorship and to sell sand bags to John Kelly. All lies. PJ Abbott is a con man. Invest USA has no clue who PJ Abbot of Patrick J Abbott is. PJ Abbott uses companies like this to sell fake marketing. He shows you a fake marketing pack with all sorts of lies and fake decisions he claims to own. He will rob you blind. Contact local Texas authorities immedietly if PJ Abbott has also robbed your family of business. Beware of PJ Abbott!!