"Their Back"... In 1996 I met with Invention Submission Corp.'s representative in Baltimore and exposed my patent idea to them. After about an hour of high pressure sales and false promises, I decided to go for the on package that promised everything... Patent, Brochures, Trade Shows, Manufactures contacts, distribution etc. It sounded really good and it was only going to take 18 months to 2 years. Well, I gave them my deposit and the rest was signed over to a Loan company who I will not mention.
ISC, sent me a whole lot of generic paperwork at first, then they did find me a patent attorney in the Mid-west, they were very good, but guess what their fees and charges were not covered under the original agreement with ISC.. So more money out of pocket.. Now the drawings... well the only thing I can say about the 3D Cad Brochure they made up for me and which was suppose to be presented at Trade Shows and sent to Manufactures is that my 12 year old Granddaughter could have done a better job... Along the way, I asked for a list of Mfg. and they sent me non-existing companies and names, no addresses and no phone numbers so I could not follow up to make sure the materials went out..
After 3 years and many notebooks filled with correspondence they informed me that their job was done>... So for The mear price of $10,000 I received a generic book, supposidly their Market Analysis, a contact for a Patent attorney, and this stupid drawing... I am still working on getting my patent to market and have found that the best thing you can do for yourself is go to the web site for the US Patent office or your local Business and Econonmic Development Committee... Save your dollars. ISC will take your money and leave you in the learch... Linda Bowie, Maryland
I was looking through my storage for the book ISC cave us in regards to our invention patent back in 2003. I found it and did not see a US patent number for our idea. We were under the impression due to what we were told that we had a patent. Especially after paying 16,000 dollars over i belive 2 years of doing so called business with them. To make a long story short nothing ever happened. They kept telling us of all these events that they were going to present our idea at which never happened.
All they did was ask for more and more money to where we stopped at 16,000 bucks. These people are rip offs! All they want is more money, and they dont do any work except asking fore more money. Its total rubbish! They should be sued & made to give back all the money they have stolen from unsuspecting people, who are hard working citizens. They should be ashamed of themselves!!!
In 2002 I was home on medical leave and would watch The Price is Right whenever I wasn't undergoing medical procedures. Invention Submission Corp. was advertised on it, that's where I got the idea to contact them about my invention.
My husband and I went to their office in Arlington, Texas where we met Brenda Feldbush who explained about the submission process. We left and returned and gave her a check for $ 7,490. A book was composed about my invention and I was told it was sent out to companies who might buy my invention.
I was told I didn't need to patent it because the company who bought my invention would get the patents on it.
On April 5 of this year I received a magazine in the mail and there was my invention. It has been twelve years since I suvmitted my idea to Invention Submission Corp and suddenly my invention is out in the marketplace.
I looked on the Internet at the company selling my invention and they have two patents on it they got in 2006. The parent company is in London, England and the United States office is in Delray Beach, Florida. I have no idea how or when they started selling my invention.
Their website is word for word out of the book I wrote describing my invention.
I had invented a product to submit to an agency ,I thought would introduce eventually to a manufacturer, that's what we were told at our house with ISC represenatives; We knew there would be some cost involved so we had to start off with about 800.00 dollars to do their research;
After this happened we waited a little while maybe three or four weeks then they called and needed another 900.00 to make some report that would include a book talking about our product ,still sounded very good so we sent the money they said they recieved the money and then we waited again we then recieved the book ;
some time had passed maybe two months this time then a third month so we called again and they said ,"Oh hello sir we sent you a letter in the mail explaining what we needed to do next so i said ok; We got the letter and it was a letter asking for 3.500 dollars or 4.600 dollars and to do everything we needed it would cost 7.500 dollars. after reading this we never heard from them again call after call was ignored. Im not concerned in some class action suit for a few bucks i would like a lawyer to handel my case seperatley, i don't want to settle with hundreds of people and we all get a gum drop. Thanks
Hello, I am filing this report, in regards to a one Mr. Dave Parker (Project Director) and Invention Submission Corporatation, who was operating out of Coral Gables, Florida. I.am a 35 year old Entrepenuer and a Veteran of (OIFIII) Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2004-2005.
I spoke with the New Project Director concerning my product (Self Tinting Commercial Glass). We discussed the components (Liquad Crystal Technology) and its functional residential and automotive capabilities in late Febuary of 2004. After the initual conversation with Mr. Parker, I mailed in one money order, valued at $657.00 Then after recieving the Research Portfolio, We discussed, and I signed the Advanced Developmental Agreement, mailing it back to Invent-Tech along with a credit card payment, valued at $3950.00 equaling a total payment sum of $4607.00
Shortly after making the arrangments for the continuation of this Innovative Idea, I was placed on Active Duty Deployment status by the Tennessee Army National Guard. I spent 18 months total on Title 10 Status and after returning home in November of 2005, I find out from my power of attorney, that no mail was recieved and no attempts had been made by Mr. Parker or Invention Technologies Incorporated to contact me.
My product is currently being manufactured and sold by a company in La Juanta Colorado by the name of Nexeon Energy Solutions LLC formerly known as Liqcrytech LLC
INVENTION SUBMISSION CORPORATION. Also a new commercial called INVENT HELP. with the same logo and pictures as I.S.C.
PAID $ 10,000.00 to have my invention patented and submitted to companies. INVENTION SUBMISSION CORPORATION had a PATENT LAWYER that was suppossed to be acting on my behalf.
All was fake,And I was taken for this money. I would like to recover the money put out if possible? Plus ?
1998-2001 was when it happened.
I was given the "Timetable of Services" sheet letting me know what the procedure would look like. Well, very little at all was happening, questions to my contact in Pittsburgh lead me to believe that things were moving, but these were only words. A few letters and that's about it. Oh, sure I got the "Basic Information Package" at first but that was it. Eventually I was told that NO companies had any interest in my invention. Funny thing is I now see my invention on commerciald and now it is being sold in every store.
I callrf the company in June 2011 to ask why an invention that I was told had no companies had an interest in, is now available. I was told by Matt that the files are only kept for five years and there is nothing I can do. I didn't think I was the only one that "Invention Submission Corporation, Inc." scammed, but looking online today, I see that I wasn't alone. It would be nice to have my idea back but that's not going to happen. I pray that someone bigger than me could make this injustice right. Thanks to this forum for letting people like me to vent. Thanks, Bill
Invention Submission Corporation in 1997 agreed to submit my invention to companies for a fee. After months of not hearing much, I was told that NO companies were interested. In 2011 I saw my invention on TV and also see it displayed in stores everywhere. I guess there interested now? I called Invention Submission Corporation and spoke to Matt who said that records are only kept for 5 years, so oh well. I think companies like this should be shut down and all the asset disbursed among the people who got ripped off.
I had a Idea for a patent, so I contacted ISC Invention Submission Corporation. I gave them a downpayment and paid over three thousand dollers. I got no results from them. I got my USpatent on my own and now seven years later they put me in for collection $4,310 I parted from these peaple because they did Nothing for me and now after all this time they pop up. what a rip off. I never got notice that they had a open file I bought a house two years ago and nothing showed on my credit report. But now they claim that I owe them money. I owe them nothing. I had Cancelled and never anything from them. Not one notice and now they want 4,310 whare is the Justice. Cerbocentralair Lyndhurst, New Jersey
In late 2003 I took an idea to ISC. They did research for me, it cost $1000 to start. After they explained that it was an exciting idea that has never been done and that I would qualify for a utility patent. I wrote the checks to start process. They explained that it would cost me $12,095.00 for the patent and to present this to market, however, I would make much more which would pay for the remaining balance. I signed up for a loan which I am still paying today to keep my credit rating from sinking into the ground.
I was told it could take a few years to see any results, and to be patient. By year two I had paid over $5,000.00 to ISC itself. In return I received a cheesy, impossible to setup demo disk. (Unless you are a computer programmer which I am). Once I setup the software it was nothing like the sample shown at the original meeting. The Sophisticated foreign voice was a choppy computer audio generation by a text reader program. The smooth moving multilayer diagram spec animation was not created in a format which prototype engineers could work with. (Back to square one $1$,$$$) And yes I even received a cheesy two page invention pamphlet and a book with market studies on the market opening for my invention.
An invention for laptop users everywhere A multimillion dollar invention. Pre-patent in early 2006 I receive notice that they were going to show my invention on the east coast (could not see that no money to travel; paying them). Later in 2006, I saw a cheep imitation of my invention on the internet (Someone is getting rich off my Idea ant me). I paid a third party lawyer ISC provided back in 2004, $800+ additional dollars to get the patent. Which they did not. I signed all legal papers they sent to me, poorly written. I called them repeatedly to see if they needed any information, they never called me (on my business cell phone or home phone) unless they needed money.
My first attempt for patent did not go through due to lack of specifics on the legal jargon. I called and asked if they needed any additional information. They said that they had sufficient information to proceed. The next letter I got from them was a three line letter just saying your request for US patent had not gone though. You will not receive a paten. During 3 of 4 years with ISC I have been getting letters from subsidiary companies as well as dealing with third parties. I received a call from another subsidiary who handled product / investor relations. I called the subsidiary back. He said that he had received a call from an investor with big pockets connected with Philip Morris and some big name infomercials but he was requesting a working prototype in order to proceed.
The Package delivered to market (500+investors) to get investors to lease the rights to produce my invention does not do its job. I asked the subsidiary representative, if they could produce a working prototype for this investor. He said they could not but recommended that I find a fabrication engineer in my area to build a prototype for me. I went to a legal documentation website and downloaded a confidentiality statement for under $60. I then found a fabrication company down the street from my house. Had him sign the agreement and passed him the presentation package I received from ISC subsidiaries. He looked at the diagrams and the specs and stated that he would need to redraw the entire thing because they did not add real world measurements and did not provide an auto-cad file which is what these prototype fabrication companies use.
I thought he may have been pulling my leg so I went to two other professional companies in Brea and Irvine. Same story, back to square one redraw specs because of lack of auto-cad and measurements. In each case the estimated build would be over $11,000 for a first time prototype with Research and Development (A lot less money when mass produced). I could have skipped ISC and went to the fabricator after getting the legal documents my self for $60. Wish I knew that 4 years ago I could have been rich by now, instead of deep in debt, and living paycheck to paycheck, with someone else making money from my invention.
Paying on an invention loan for no work performed, just so I dont sink deeper in debt. Thank You ISC!!! You have really made a difference in both my life and my childrens lives. (We are living one paycheck away from moving into a cardboard box). Davids_being_screwed Long Beach, California
The representative I met with, Ms. Sorge, with Invention Submission Corporation, gloated over my invention, making me feel as though I had a product with definite income potential. The contracts state that the representative cannot give you an "opinion" of your invention yet on one of thier contracts it states: If we or our sales consultatns tell you for example, that your idea is "good" "is potentially marketable", "is commercailly feasible" or that "it is promotable", such statments represent only the opinion of ISC, WISC, or its sales consultants and in no way imply that a competent and objective apprisal or evalution of the merit or marketablility of your idea or product has been conducted.[direct quote from Affirmative Disclouser Statment].
Not only does the company infringe on people's hope it also makes false allegations of its success rate, and the companies they have in their data base. For instance, they sent me a letter stating that "Keenest Enterprise and Tropical Science" have showed intrest in my invention. When I conducted my own research, I discovered that the companies where non-existant. To my amaze, I'm not the only one that has been defrauded. The Federal Trade Commission has over 100 pages of complaints against this company. When I signed up with the company, it was not disclosed to me that a litigation was brought against them in 1993 and 1994.
When I voiced my concerns to the company representative about my research, they sent me a letter stating that they will give me $1,000 dollars, basically to keep me quite. The amount they offered me is a joke compared to what I paid them, $13,000 aprox. I want my full amount and I will not stop pursing them until I have the complete amount in my hands. Janette Sierrra Madre, California
In 2000 I took an idea to ISC. They did research for me, it cost 800$. After they explained that it was an idea that has never been done and that I would qualify for a utility patten. I of course was excited and jumped on the opportunity. They explained that it would cost 11,095.00$ but I would make much more. I talked my mother into borrowing me the money and I would share profits with her. We paid the money in one lump sum. I was told it could take a few years to see any results, and to be patient.
After years of getting letters with companies I have never heard of, I decided to call them and see what was going on. They explained to me on the phone that the money was fees for the company and not for the patten itself. They told me they sent me a letter a few years back telling me they needed more money for the patten. This was a letter I never recived! Also when we paid the 11,000$ we were told that we wouldn't need any more money.
I was pretty shocked and decided to have my contracts looked at by a lawyer. He said the paperwork CLEARLY states that the 11,095$ WAS for a patten and all fees! I have yet to receive my lost money! Amanda Bloomington, Minnesota
I went to inventhelps invention submission company in 2002 with one of my many ideas. The first man I spoke with met me on a Sunday when they were not open to talk about there "services". they prepared a book for me about the research of my idea. He retired shortly after that. He told me that they couldn't tell me if I would make any money right then because I could file charges against them if I didn't. As I was leaving he told me that maybe one day I would have an office there.
At that time, I just thought that was his way of telling me I got a good idea in a round about way. Now I think that was his way of telling me that I got a really good idea he hopes it does really good and one day I will actually help others who has one. The only reason I choose invent help is because they agreed to meet with me in person and they signed papers stating they can't use my idea. I always thought that it takes money to make money and that contributed to me paying to them rather than going to a free company. Besides myself coming up with the idea someone who doesn't know me that well thought my idea was good enough to invest 6,000 dollars to me just to get it going!
That being said, If I can find a stranger to give me 6,000 dollars, how come they can't find companies that wants to make it? I know they stole from me. And in doing that they stole from my community. I came up with my ideas to get money to market my honest way of life to the young kids in my community to show them that it is a better way than selling drugs or robbing them. Now here I find myself being robbed by a bunch of men in suits. By stealing ideas, they are robbing my community. How can I teach these kids to go to work with a suit on and earn a living when white collar criminals are waiting.
I guess I'm gonna have to tell them to just keep the sweat pants on. At least now I can tell them who not to go through if they got an idea! I gave speeches before and plan to do so again in my community. I'm selling a better way of life. Don't you think they would listen to me more closely if I was driving a Porsche? If someone was at your door selling something, wouldn't you be more prone to listen if the package was nicely rapped you can't write and respond to this but write to Oprah or call Micheal baisden on my behalf. I was wrote an article in "Youth Speaks Out" stating that I didn't pay my debt to society by going to prison and being absent from society, I choose to make a part of life and they are delaying that by stealing my "costume". We need to stop the violence by stopping the thieves that were suites. They need to give me my money because an inspiring fire can't be put out! Marlon rockford, Illinois
It tock them a very long time like 6 month or maybe more I will have to check all my files to be specific. But any-way all they where drawing was a regular toothbrush with a minor improvement "Is not a rocket science" Until I found out what they where doing letting all the major comp see my improvement. Never before in the existing of the toothbrush has any-body target the area I was targeting all of the suddern all the major comp. where trying to emitted me and the marketing. They where sending brochures to comp. that where not even on the toothbrush business of -course the major comp.
They where all-ready working on it but you know what I was very protective with the name on my patent so it back fire on them but they still tock my money and I want revenge "it so sweet" You can check out my Easy Round Toothbrush that accommodate to the natural curve of the teeth. www.easytoothbrush.net Leo Miami, Florida
Approx 1986, I sent my idea of the now "Hiphugger" to ISC. They wanted $6000 upfront to patent and present my idea. I told them that I didn't have that kind of money and to send my idea back until I could get the money raised. They refused. They didn't know that I had a copy of my idea and I had it stamped by the courthouse. Needless to say, in 1991 (approx.) I was in Shopko and when I was in the back of the store, I saw my invention! I freaked and was telling anyone that I could bump into.
I even told the manager that they shouldn't put my invention there and proceeded to tell him why. Of course there was nothing that I, they, or he could do. I called a couple of attorneys and they said that unless I have money to fight Rubbermaid (of which I don't) then there was nothing that they could do. I even asked and gave all of my info to my X Sister-n-Law who's an attorney along with her dad and brother and they wouldn't/couldn't do anything about it. I even called Rubbermaid and they ignored me. Just recently, I emailed them.
I don't think I'll ever give up. I've reported it to BBB and they said that there had been other complaints. I even thought about picketing on Rubbermaid's front door step. I'm a single mother and I have many invention ideas but now I keep them in my head where nobody can take and steal my idea and make millions. I barely make ends meet still and the money would've been nice. Dorthea Great Falls, Montana
I saw their ad on TV in 1995. I met with them in their Coral Way Miami office: Martha Carazana and Jose (her husband, the CEO). Martha raved about my idea for an improvement to fishing rods, and said it was feasible and would be a success. She foresaw no problems with getting a patent. At her urging, I paid them $10,000 up front on a credit card. I was instructed to write a check to the "Commissioner of Patents & Trademarks" for $375 and mail it to their address in Pennsylvania as well as "do" a poorman's patent. It has been almost 12 years.
Having recently emigrated back then, I had no idea that I could seek justice. I even spoke to Mr. Micheal Colitz, their scam attorney, who tried to tell me much later on, that there was another design like mine out there. I was mailed crappy info about their Expo and Trade Shows and was sent silly lists of people/companies they sent my idea to. The only thing I got from them was a hard cover bound navy blue book with technical drawings of my invention. It was full of baloney. I had even asked for an itemization of costs and did not get one. I eventually never heard from them because as Mr. Colitz had advised, patenting was a lengthy process.
I am really glad I found InventorEd's website. I saw an opportunity for justice to be served. I never knew ISC was such a fraud and I could do something about it. I just thought my idea was a flop and I had lost my savings. This company needs to be closed down once and for all, to prevent other unsuspecting consumers/victims from being financially "raped". Rudolph Miami, Florida
I had a invention and wanted my dream of seeing it to the market a reality. My sister and I met with a representative in the Sharonville, Ohio office, John Smith. He raved about how many people ISC has help and the number of new ideas they assisted to the market. We took advantage if the patent availability search and waited for 9 weeks. After this time elapsed, we received a letter from ISC stating that we were eligible for an utility patent. Later, we were offered a package that consisted of a patent attorney and marketing to companies.
About every 3rd month, ISC sent us a list of companies they sent our idea to. My sister took the liberty of calling one of the companies on the list. She was shocked with what she heard. A representative of one, said that when they received mail from ISC, they trash it. He later went on to say the had not crediblity. This is not all the attorney that was working on our patent allowed our application to go into "Abandoment" status. He did not respond to the inquires from the USPTO.
My sister called to check on the patent and the rep stated that the atty has not responded to them. I feel robbed and there should be restitution. At least the attorney the received pay for goods and did not make good of services should be held responsible. If some experienced a similar incident, contact me. Cejohnson Cincinnati, Ohio
DO NOT do business with this company. In 1991 My husband's invention was submitted to ISC. A few years later, the design began popping up everywhere. I'm not saying they sold the idea, however, ISC received the ONLY drawing with items that are now patented by a man who in my state (and who never saw the item as we didn't show anyone). I called him with questions about the design. The patent owner could not tell me why he added two particular items to the design, or what their functions were.
There were indeed reasons to have them...not just looks. Anyway, we received a notice from the FTC that ISC was being ivestigated and that a suit was pending. In Spring of 1996, we received a settlement check that was around $126.00. A far cry from the $6,000.00 sent to them. I wish this existed back then, I would have thought twice. It was interesting that when we sent in the and product description and what it was used for, that the mkting dept couldn't get the idea right.
We'd tell them and they finally admitted that they had no idea what a "dutch oven" was and it was painfully obvious that they didn't care either. Stephanie Kanosh, Utah
As of March 1992 I was a client of Invention submission corporation and in less than thirty days after I signed with ISC, my contract was breach in numerous ways. It is 13 years later and I upon conducting research have just been made aware of the facts. ISC employee a Mr. Philip Adelberg in 1988-1994 with their sister company called "Intromark Inc.," whom in return had a licensing agreement with a company called (mythic entertainment)or Couch Potato Trademark & Design who in turn entered into a licensing deal with Bandai (foreign Distributor) of Toyko,Japan.
My invention was titled "The Zodiac Knights 2000" Bandai and a company called Renaissance-atlantic entertainment and Renaissance-Atlantic Films FundBv, attempted to deceive the USPTO on Numerous occassions to acquire my Trademark Title. There is also a company called Toei Animation and Masami Kurumada, Sheuisha also made fraudualent attempts to acquire my trademark name by using reverse palming or reverse confusion in reference to the Copyright Office and Trademark Office. Bandai was introduced to my invention through Intromark Inc, which gave them access to my creative expression, therefore creating a breach of contract.
Mr. Kurumada Masami calmed to be the creator of the "Knights of the Zodiac" the same as Zodiac Knights, when in fact his creation was called "Knights of the Elements" or Twelve gold saints all infringing on the creative expression of the Zodiac Knights 2000, which is a superhero that would represent the signs of the Zodiac. There had to be a creation of a Fraudulent Creator and Developer inorder to revive and old canceled anime series known as "Saint Seiya" and not "Knights of the Zodiac" inorder to remove the original creator from the equation.
There are an overwhelming number of other corporation involved in bring this Fraud to the United States in order to sell and deceive the Public that this was and now is a new anime cartoon series. The Facts out weight the opinions in this case that will soon be in a class action lawsuit. Isaac Orlando, Florida
In 2002 we met with a rep and his assisstant from ISC. They wanted to know more about our idea. After discussing the idea we were encouraged to sign up with them to represent us and our invention. In order to get started we needed to give them a deposit and the rest was signed over to a Loan company that works with them. They promised we would get a patent, contacts, brochures, Trade Shows, manufactures and a cd- rome of our invention to submit to companies that were interested in our product.
So far,all we received is lists of companies that they say that they submitted our idea to.We have no way of knowing if this is genuine. Our experiences with this company has been very overbearing and finacially draining. My only hope now is that the FTC will not let people like this take advantage of consumers. Mary ann Lathrop, California
Wow, glad I found this forum to warn others. I got depressed all over again after opening my desk drawer full-honestly a full desk drawer-of documentation from this utterly grueling endeavor. I, like many others, have been victimized by a company(s) that had no intention of promoting my ideas in any way whatsoever. This was evidenced by the utter lack of response or proper course of action when ISC was informed that they were submitting my ideas to the wrong companies and was provided a list of companies that would be most likely interested in what I was proposing. One concern I had was that one item I presented would have to be shown to companies overseas in order to be successful.
I asked if I would need foreign patents and the sales representative- Mr. Chet Dombroski- informed me during one of our preliminary meetings that I would not need to do so. I have since found out that the information provided by Mr. Dombroski was blatantly false. Not only would I need to apply for patents in these countries, it would be even more money. Coupled with this, is the fact that there was allegedly someone-I use the term "allegedly someone" due to the fact that I don't even know if they ever existed-that had supposedly work there, left the company somehow, and then I recieved a letter allegedly from this person dated a week after they were no longer with the company. John Califon, New Jersey
I wish I had investigated this company before I started paying my hard earned money. I received it all -- the hard sell, the enthusiastic salesperson, etc. I had an interview with them in February 2004 and here it is August 2004 and no one from the company has returned any information to 1) If the idea is marketable 2) The patent attorney's analysis 3) If this so-called report has been completed, etc. Yet, this company will call me at my place of business because they want their money.
What I have received in return are harassing telephone calls at my place of employment. This company has only received partial payment and I have contacted my attorney to find out my next course of action against this company. Please -- DO NOT CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY!! ALL YOU WILL GET IS HEARTACHE, HARASSMENT AND BROKEN PROMISES. Vanesa Brooklyn, New York
Invention submission corporation aka universal finance company warning!!!!!! temporary scam telemarketers and representatives in burbank, california...And changing address quarterly. Pretend to sell you a dream and take your last savings and credit of $12,000 plus more. No such thing as a financing company to finance you without checking credit and i knew that all though they are taught to blow smoke... Sales representatives know they are not doing a righteous sale and leave premises within a few months due to guilt... Isc and ufc are both owned by scam artist martin s. Berger so said on ftc files...
Ftc has sued these companies and anyone who has been scammed and ripped off should consult with an attorney asap to settle. I am working on seeking an attorney to represent with constingence...To get my $10,000 back and pay 25% god will punish this company and all who is digged in it... This is not a righteous thing to do to anyone... They have even stolen from handicapped, ministers, young college students such myself, and the elderly...And they are seeking for more vulnerable people... If any attorney or guidance to settle for justice please contact me through the rebuttal key. Thank you, linda roma, texas
U.S.A. Click here to see why scamion, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this report.
I forwarded my invemtion imformation (Alert) or RunOff to the National Idear Center. My understanding was that my invention information mailed to that company was keeped confidential ,and that I would be protected and receive grate service. To my dismay I've seen my invention indicated on different vehicles on the television commercials for Volvo and Mercedes. I have been Ripped Off.
INVENTION MARKETING/SUBMISSION anyone who dealt with these invention companies, I wish I could meet you. I am a victim too. whittier California, this is maybe an answer to you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! my cosmetic idea was taken away from me. today it is being sold, got all papers, etc. and problems finding an attorney to help me on a contingency fee. wish we could al meet someplace and stand up for justice sake. MAYBE JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!!! these companies should be closed. think of it as a modern day ponzi scheme with inventions. anyway to contact me or me to contact you let me know, as for security reasons this rip off does not put that info in the public eye.
We went to them and paid the research fee. they said it was a great idea. then we paid the other fee that was suppose to be refundable.they froze the account and never refunded our money.
I feel i have been riped off by thiis corp.because they told me off the record that my idea was a good one and that i think you hit a good one when i told them i realy didnt have the money he handed me a credit applacation and said to put down a false income and they would ok the loan with a good down payment . I was so excited that i gave him my last $299.00 and i thought was going to get my invention going after a few steps through there services now the loan company is bothering me for payment which i dont have because i dont make the money that they told me to put down on my application that i earned but they got another sale in i guess there is a sucker born every day and imm living proof Walter fleming, Colorado
I called Invention Submission Corp. to have them market a new seasoning I had created. I thought, due to their advertisements, that they were a very reputable company. I was informed that Mr. Arnold Newman was the only representative I could work with as he was the Regional Director for Washington and Oregon state. I met with Mr. Newman at his office on Dec. 05, 2005 @ approximately 1:00pm. He proceeded to again to tell me that he "owned" these territorys, and that he is the "only" person to work with since at the time I was living in Seattle, WA. After explaning the process of having my invention submitted, I felt comfortable enough to go ahead and committ to following thru with my idea. On Dec. 07,2005, I paid him $13,990.00.Pluse $945.00.
I put a stop payment on the checks on Dec 5, 2005 at Mr. Newman's request and wrote a check to Mr. Newman, at his request for $13,500.00 pluse $945.00 on Dec. 28, 2005 The check was written to him directly as he told me that because he was the only one working this area, all money had to go to him directly, and not Invention Submission Corp. The checks had been initially written to Invention Submission Corp. Now called Invent Help. I have copies of every receipt, bank draft in case they are needed. I also have the original signed contracts. You see where this is going. About a week later I called to check on Mr. Newman's progress, as I had not heard anything from him. I was then informed that Mr. Newman had been fired a week after I got involved.
It was then that I found out that Invention Submission Corp. had planned on firing him at the time they were telling me that he was the only one I can deal with. I have the name of a current or maybe former now, employee who can verify this. I have Mr. Newman's home address and phone number, and have made constant attempts to contact him. He refuses to answer my calls. It is 2007, and I have not gotten ANY of what I paid for, and ISP has been of no assistance in helping me to recover my money, when it is they who put me in contact with him. This is a criminal matter, and I want justice! This company allowed one of their employees to take everything I had, as it appears they have done so to many others. I'm not going to sit back and let this happen to me. He can run, but he cannot hide. I know where he lives. I live in North Carolina currently. I would like to here from an attorney on this, if there is one out there looking into this scam. Carolyn Charlotte, North Carolina
In July of 2000, I took a unique design for a yard barn to Invention Submission Corp. office in Independence Oh. I had professionally done blueprints which I displayed to their rep. He gave me high pressure tactics along with a request for about $4000.00 to "make up prints" and to patent the idea. I stated that was too much and to forget it. He asked if he could show the prints to an "engineer" as this was such a good idea, they might fund part of the cost. I agreed and after about 20 min. he returned stating no one was there. I left and about a month later received a phone call asking if I was going to go with this patent. I stated no. In the fall of 2003, I happened to be in a local branch of a large lumber supply company and lo and behold, they were selling a barn constructed exactly the same as my design. I contacted the president of the Lumber Co. and explained the situation and inquiring as to where this barn design came from. All I received was the run around in subsequent phone calls. I reported this problem to the FTC but have not as yet heard from them. Did the rep. copy the prints and after determining that I was not going to file for a patent, then sell those drawings to this lumber company? You decide. Denny Copley, Ohio
I was looking through my storage for the book ISC cave us in regards to our invention patent back in 2003. I found it and did not see a US patent number for our idea. We were under the impression due to what we were told that we had a patent. Especially after paying 16,000 dollars over i belive 2 years of doing so called business with them. To make a long story short nothing ever happened. They kept telling us of all these events that they were going to present our idea at which never happened. All they did was ask for more and more money to where we stopped at 16,000 bucks. These people are rip offs! All they want is more money, and they dont do any work except asking fore more money. Its total rubbish! They should be sued & made to give back all the money they have stolen from unsuspecting people, who are hard working citizens. They should be ashamed of themselves!!!
Invention Submission Corporation Reviews
"Their Back"... In 1996 I met with Invention Submission Corp.'s representative in Baltimore and exposed my patent idea to them. After about an hour of high pressure sales and false promises, I decided to go for the on package that promised everything... Patent, Brochures, Trade Shows, Manufactures contacts, distribution etc. It sounded really good and it was only going to take 18 months to 2 years. Well, I gave them my deposit and the rest was signed over to a Loan company who I will not mention.
ISC, sent me a whole lot of generic paperwork at first, then they did find me a patent attorney in the Mid-west, they were very good, but guess what their fees and charges were not covered under the original agreement with ISC.. So more money out of pocket.. Now the drawings... well the only thing I can say about the 3D Cad Brochure they made up for me and which was suppose to be presented at Trade Shows and sent to Manufactures is that my 12 year old Granddaughter could have done a better job... Along the way, I asked for a list of Mfg. and they sent me non-existing companies and names, no addresses and no phone numbers so I could not follow up to make sure the materials went out..
After 3 years and many notebooks filled with correspondence they informed me that their job was done>... So for The mear price of $10,000 I received a generic book, supposidly their Market Analysis, a contact for a Patent attorney, and this stupid drawing... I am still working on getting my patent to market and have found that the best thing you can do for yourself is go to the web site for the US Patent office or your local Business and Econonmic Development Committee... Save your dollars. ISC will take your money and leave you in the learch... Linda Bowie, Maryland
I was looking through my storage for the book ISC cave us in regards to our invention patent back in 2003. I found it and did not see a US patent number for our idea. We were under the impression due to what we were told that we had a patent. Especially after paying 16,000 dollars over i belive 2 years of doing so called business with them. To make a long story short nothing ever happened. They kept telling us of all these events that they were going to present our idea at which never happened.
All they did was ask for more and more money to where we stopped at 16,000 bucks. These people are rip offs! All they want is more money, and they dont do any work except asking fore more money. Its total rubbish! They should be sued & made to give back all the money they have stolen from unsuspecting people, who are hard working citizens. They should be ashamed of themselves!!!
In 2002 I was home on medical leave and would watch The Price is Right whenever I wasn't undergoing medical procedures. Invention Submission Corp. was advertised on it, that's where I got the idea to contact them about my invention.
My husband and I went to their office in Arlington, Texas where we met Brenda Feldbush who explained about the submission process. We left and returned and gave her a check for $ 7,490. A book was composed about my invention and I was told it was sent out to companies who might buy my invention.
I was told I didn't need to patent it because the company who bought my invention would get the patents on it.
On April 5 of this year I received a magazine in the mail and there was my invention. It has been twelve years since I suvmitted my idea to Invention Submission Corp and suddenly my invention is out in the marketplace.
I looked on the Internet at the company selling my invention and they have two patents on it they got in 2006. The parent company is in London, England and the United States office is in Delray Beach, Florida. I have no idea how or when they started selling my invention.
Their website is word for word out of the book I wrote describing my invention.
To whom it may concern
I had invented a product to submit to an agency ,I thought would introduce eventually to a manufacturer, that's what we were told at our house with ISC represenatives; We knew there would be some cost involved so we had to start off with about 800.00 dollars to do their research;
After this happened we waited a little while maybe three or four weeks then they called and needed another 900.00 to make some report that would include a book talking about our product ,still sounded very good so we sent the money they said they recieved the money and then we waited again we then recieved the book ;
some time had passed maybe two months this time then a third month so we called again and they said ,"Oh hello sir we sent you a letter in the mail explaining what we needed to do next so i said ok; We got the letter and it was a letter asking for 3.500 dollars or 4.600 dollars and to do everything we needed it would cost 7.500 dollars. after reading this we never heard from them again call after call was ignored. Im not concerned in some class action suit for a few bucks i would like a lawyer to handel my case seperatley, i don't want to settle with hundreds of people and we all get a gum drop. Thanks
Hello, I am filing this report, in regards to a one Mr. Dave Parker (Project Director) and Invention Submission Corporatation, who was operating out of Coral Gables, Florida. I.am a 35 year old Entrepenuer and a Veteran of (OIFIII) Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2004-2005.
I spoke with the New Project Director concerning my product (Self Tinting Commercial Glass). We discussed the components (Liquad Crystal Technology) and its functional residential and automotive capabilities in late Febuary of 2004. After the initual conversation with Mr. Parker, I mailed in one money order, valued at $657.00 Then after recieving the Research Portfolio, We discussed, and I signed the Advanced Developmental Agreement, mailing it back to Invent-Tech along with a credit card payment, valued at $3950.00 equaling a total payment sum of $4607.00
Shortly after making the arrangments for the continuation of this Innovative Idea, I was placed on Active Duty Deployment status by the Tennessee Army National Guard. I spent 18 months total on Title 10 Status and after returning home in November of 2005, I find out from my power of attorney, that no mail was recieved and no attempts had been made by Mr. Parker or Invention Technologies Incorporated to contact me.
My product is currently being manufactured and sold by a company in La Juanta Colorado by the name of Nexeon Energy Solutions LLC formerly known as Liqcrytech LLC
INVENTION SUBMISSION CORPORATION. Also a new commercial called INVENT HELP. with the same logo and pictures as I.S.C.
PAID $ 10,000.00 to have my invention patented and submitted to companies. INVENTION SUBMISSION CORPORATION had a PATENT LAWYER that was suppossed to be acting on my behalf.
All was fake,And I was taken for this money. I would like to recover the money put out if possible? Plus ?
1998-2001 was when it happened.
I was given the "Timetable of Services" sheet letting me know what the procedure would look like. Well, very little at all was happening, questions to my contact in Pittsburgh lead me to believe that things were moving, but these were only words. A few letters and that's about it. Oh, sure I got the "Basic Information Package" at first but that was it. Eventually I was told that NO companies had any interest in my invention. Funny thing is I now see my invention on commerciald and now it is being sold in every store.
I callrf the company in June 2011 to ask why an invention that I was told had no companies had an interest in, is now available. I was told by Matt that the files are only kept for five years and there is nothing I can do. I didn't think I was the only one that "Invention Submission Corporation, Inc." scammed, but looking online today, I see that I wasn't alone. It would be nice to have my idea back but that's not going to happen. I pray that someone bigger than me could make this injustice right. Thanks to this forum for letting people like me to vent. Thanks, Bill
Invention Submission Corporation in 1997 agreed to submit my invention to companies for a fee. After months of not hearing much, I was told that NO companies were interested. In 2011 I saw my invention on TV and also see it displayed in stores everywhere. I guess there interested now? I called Invention Submission Corporation and spoke to Matt who said that records are only kept for 5 years, so oh well. I think companies like this should be shut down and all the asset disbursed among the people who got ripped off.
I had a Idea for a patent, so I contacted ISC Invention Submission Corporation. I gave them a downpayment and paid over three thousand dollers. I got no results from them. I got my USpatent on my own and now seven years later they put me in for collection $4,310 I parted from these peaple because they did Nothing for me and now after all this time they pop up. what a rip off. I never got notice that they had a open file I bought a house two years ago and nothing showed on my credit report. But now they claim that I owe them money. I owe them nothing. I had Cancelled and never anything from them. Not one notice and now they want 4,310 whare is the Justice. Cerbocentralair Lyndhurst, New Jersey
In late 2003 I took an idea to ISC. They did research for me, it cost $1000 to start. After they explained that it was an exciting idea that has never been done and that I would qualify for a utility patent. I wrote the checks to start process. They explained that it would cost me $12,095.00 for the patent and to present this to market, however, I would make much more which would pay for the remaining balance. I signed up for a loan which I am still paying today to keep my credit rating from sinking into the ground.
I was told it could take a few years to see any results, and to be patient. By year two I had paid over $5,000.00 to ISC itself. In return I received a cheesy, impossible to setup demo disk. (Unless you are a computer programmer which I am). Once I setup the software it was nothing like the sample shown at the original meeting. The Sophisticated foreign voice was a choppy computer audio generation by a text reader program. The smooth moving multilayer diagram spec animation was not created in a format which prototype engineers could work with. (Back to square one $1$,$$$) And yes I even received a cheesy two page invention pamphlet and a book with market studies on the market opening for my invention.
An invention for laptop users everywhere A multimillion dollar invention. Pre-patent in early 2006 I receive notice that they were going to show my invention on the east coast (could not see that no money to travel; paying them). Later in 2006, I saw a cheep imitation of my invention on the internet (Someone is getting rich off my Idea ant me). I paid a third party lawyer ISC provided back in 2004, $800+ additional dollars to get the patent. Which they did not. I signed all legal papers they sent to me, poorly written. I called them repeatedly to see if they needed any information, they never called me (on my business cell phone or home phone) unless they needed money.
My first attempt for patent did not go through due to lack of specifics on the legal jargon. I called and asked if they needed any additional information. They said that they had sufficient information to proceed. The next letter I got from them was a three line letter just saying your request for US patent had not gone though. You will not receive a paten. During 3 of 4 years with ISC I have been getting letters from subsidiary companies as well as dealing with third parties. I received a call from another subsidiary who handled product / investor relations. I called the subsidiary back. He said that he had received a call from an investor with big pockets connected with Philip Morris and some big name infomercials but he was requesting a working prototype in order to proceed.
The Package delivered to market (500+investors) to get investors to lease the rights to produce my invention does not do its job. I asked the subsidiary representative, if they could produce a working prototype for this investor. He said they could not but recommended that I find a fabrication engineer in my area to build a prototype for me. I went to a legal documentation website and downloaded a confidentiality statement for under $60. I then found a fabrication company down the street from my house. Had him sign the agreement and passed him the presentation package I received from ISC subsidiaries. He looked at the diagrams and the specs and stated that he would need to redraw the entire thing because they did not add real world measurements and did not provide an auto-cad file which is what these prototype fabrication companies use.
I thought he may have been pulling my leg so I went to two other professional companies in Brea and Irvine. Same story, back to square one redraw specs because of lack of auto-cad and measurements. In each case the estimated build would be over $11,000 for a first time prototype with Research and Development (A lot less money when mass produced). I could have skipped ISC and went to the fabricator after getting the legal documents my self for $60. Wish I knew that 4 years ago I could have been rich by now, instead of deep in debt, and living paycheck to paycheck, with someone else making money from my invention.
Paying on an invention loan for no work performed, just so I dont sink deeper in debt. Thank You ISC!!! You have really made a difference in both my life and my childrens lives. (We are living one paycheck away from moving into a cardboard box). Davids_being_screwed Long Beach, California
The representative I met with, Ms. Sorge, with Invention Submission Corporation, gloated over my invention, making me feel as though I had a product with definite income potential. The contracts state that the representative cannot give you an "opinion" of your invention yet on one of thier contracts it states: If we or our sales consultatns tell you for example, that your idea is "good" "is potentially marketable", "is commercailly feasible" or that "it is promotable", such statments represent only the opinion of ISC, WISC, or its sales consultants and in no way imply that a competent and objective apprisal or evalution of the merit or marketablility of your idea or product has been conducted.[direct quote from Affirmative Disclouser Statment].
Not only does the company infringe on people's hope it also makes false allegations of its success rate, and the companies they have in their data base. For instance, they sent me a letter stating that "Keenest Enterprise and Tropical Science" have showed intrest in my invention. When I conducted my own research, I discovered that the companies where non-existant. To my amaze, I'm not the only one that has been defrauded. The Federal Trade Commission has over 100 pages of complaints against this company. When I signed up with the company, it was not disclosed to me that a litigation was brought against them in 1993 and 1994.
When I voiced my concerns to the company representative about my research, they sent me a letter stating that they will give me $1,000 dollars, basically to keep me quite. The amount they offered me is a joke compared to what I paid them, $13,000 aprox. I want my full amount and I will not stop pursing them until I have the complete amount in my hands. Janette Sierrra Madre, California
In 2000 I took an idea to ISC. They did research for me, it cost 800$. After they explained that it was an idea that has never been done and that I would qualify for a utility patten. I of course was excited and jumped on the opportunity. They explained that it would cost 11,095.00$ but I would make much more. I talked my mother into borrowing me the money and I would share profits with her. We paid the money in one lump sum. I was told it could take a few years to see any results, and to be patient.
After years of getting letters with companies I have never heard of, I decided to call them and see what was going on. They explained to me on the phone that the money was fees for the company and not for the patten itself. They told me they sent me a letter a few years back telling me they needed more money for the patten. This was a letter I never recived! Also when we paid the 11,000$ we were told that we wouldn't need any more money.
I was pretty shocked and decided to have my contracts looked at by a lawyer. He said the paperwork CLEARLY states that the 11,095$ WAS for a patten and all fees! I have yet to receive my lost money! Amanda Bloomington, Minnesota
I went to inventhelps invention submission company in 2002 with one of my many ideas. The first man I spoke with met me on a Sunday when they were not open to talk about there "services". they prepared a book for me about the research of my idea. He retired shortly after that. He told me that they couldn't tell me if I would make any money right then because I could file charges against them if I didn't. As I was leaving he told me that maybe one day I would have an office there.
At that time, I just thought that was his way of telling me I got a good idea in a round about way. Now I think that was his way of telling me that I got a really good idea he hopes it does really good and one day I will actually help others who has one. The only reason I choose invent help is because they agreed to meet with me in person and they signed papers stating they can't use my idea. I always thought that it takes money to make money and that contributed to me paying to them rather than going to a free company. Besides myself coming up with the idea someone who doesn't know me that well thought my idea was good enough to invest 6,000 dollars to me just to get it going!
That being said, If I can find a stranger to give me 6,000 dollars, how come they can't find companies that wants to make it? I know they stole from me. And in doing that they stole from my community. I came up with my ideas to get money to market my honest way of life to the young kids in my community to show them that it is a better way than selling drugs or robbing them. Now here I find myself being robbed by a bunch of men in suits. By stealing ideas, they are robbing my community. How can I teach these kids to go to work with a suit on and earn a living when white collar criminals are waiting.
I guess I'm gonna have to tell them to just keep the sweat pants on. At least now I can tell them who not to go through if they got an idea! I gave speeches before and plan to do so again in my community. I'm selling a better way of life. Don't you think they would listen to me more closely if I was driving a Porsche? If someone was at your door selling something, wouldn't you be more prone to listen if the package was nicely rapped you can't write and respond to this but write to Oprah or call Micheal baisden on my behalf. I was wrote an article in "Youth Speaks Out" stating that I didn't pay my debt to society by going to prison and being absent from society, I choose to make a part of life and they are delaying that by stealing my "costume". We need to stop the violence by stopping the thieves that were suites. They need to give me my money because an inspiring fire can't be put out! Marlon rockford, Illinois
It tock them a very long time like 6 month or maybe more I will have to check all my files to be specific. But any-way all they where drawing was a regular toothbrush with a minor improvement "Is not a rocket science" Until I found out what they where doing letting all the major comp see my improvement. Never before in the existing of the toothbrush has any-body target the area I was targeting all of the suddern all the major comp. where trying to emitted me and the marketing. They where sending brochures to comp. that where not even on the toothbrush business of -course the major comp.
They where all-ready working on it but you know what I was very protective with the name on my patent so it back fire on them but they still tock my money and I want revenge "it so sweet" You can check out my Easy Round Toothbrush that accommodate to the natural curve of the teeth. www.easytoothbrush.net Leo Miami, Florida
Approx 1986, I sent my idea of the now "Hiphugger" to ISC. They wanted $6000 upfront to patent and present my idea. I told them that I didn't have that kind of money and to send my idea back until I could get the money raised. They refused. They didn't know that I had a copy of my idea and I had it stamped by the courthouse. Needless to say, in 1991 (approx.) I was in Shopko and when I was in the back of the store, I saw my invention! I freaked and was telling anyone that I could bump into.
I even told the manager that they shouldn't put my invention there and proceeded to tell him why. Of course there was nothing that I, they, or he could do. I called a couple of attorneys and they said that unless I have money to fight Rubbermaid (of which I don't) then there was nothing that they could do. I even asked and gave all of my info to my X Sister-n-Law who's an attorney along with her dad and brother and they wouldn't/couldn't do anything about it. I even called Rubbermaid and they ignored me. Just recently, I emailed them.
I don't think I'll ever give up. I've reported it to BBB and they said that there had been other complaints. I even thought about picketing on Rubbermaid's front door step. I'm a single mother and I have many invention ideas but now I keep them in my head where nobody can take and steal my idea and make millions. I barely make ends meet still and the money would've been nice. Dorthea Great Falls, Montana
I saw their ad on TV in 1995. I met with them in their Coral Way Miami office: Martha Carazana and Jose (her husband, the CEO). Martha raved about my idea for an improvement to fishing rods, and said it was feasible and would be a success. She foresaw no problems with getting a patent. At her urging, I paid them $10,000 up front on a credit card. I was instructed to write a check to the "Commissioner of Patents & Trademarks" for $375 and mail it to their address in Pennsylvania as well as "do" a poorman's patent. It has been almost 12 years.
Having recently emigrated back then, I had no idea that I could seek justice. I even spoke to Mr. Micheal Colitz, their scam attorney, who tried to tell me much later on, that there was another design like mine out there. I was mailed crappy info about their Expo and Trade Shows and was sent silly lists of people/companies they sent my idea to. The only thing I got from them was a hard cover bound navy blue book with technical drawings of my invention. It was full of baloney. I had even asked for an itemization of costs and did not get one. I eventually never heard from them because as Mr. Colitz had advised, patenting was a lengthy process.
I am really glad I found InventorEd's website. I saw an opportunity for justice to be served. I never knew ISC was such a fraud and I could do something about it. I just thought my idea was a flop and I had lost my savings. This company needs to be closed down once and for all, to prevent other unsuspecting consumers/victims from being financially "raped". Rudolph Miami, Florida
I had a invention and wanted my dream of seeing it to the market a reality. My sister and I met with a representative in the Sharonville, Ohio office, John Smith. He raved about how many people ISC has help and the number of new ideas they assisted to the market. We took advantage if the patent availability search and waited for 9 weeks. After this time elapsed, we received a letter from ISC stating that we were eligible for an utility patent. Later, we were offered a package that consisted of a patent attorney and marketing to companies.
About every 3rd month, ISC sent us a list of companies they sent our idea to. My sister took the liberty of calling one of the companies on the list. She was shocked with what she heard. A representative of one, said that when they received mail from ISC, they trash it. He later went on to say the had not crediblity. This is not all the attorney that was working on our patent allowed our application to go into "Abandoment" status. He did not respond to the inquires from the USPTO.
My sister called to check on the patent and the rep stated that the atty has not responded to them. I feel robbed and there should be restitution. At least the attorney the received pay for goods and did not make good of services should be held responsible. If some experienced a similar incident, contact me. Cejohnson Cincinnati, Ohio
DO NOT do business with this company. In 1991 My husband's invention was submitted to ISC. A few years later, the design began popping up everywhere. I'm not saying they sold the idea, however, ISC received the ONLY drawing with items that are now patented by a man who in my state (and who never saw the item as we didn't show anyone). I called him with questions about the design. The patent owner could not tell me why he added two particular items to the design, or what their functions were.
There were indeed reasons to have them...not just looks. Anyway, we received a notice from the FTC that ISC was being ivestigated and that a suit was pending. In Spring of 1996, we received a settlement check that was around $126.00. A far cry from the $6,000.00 sent to them. I wish this existed back then, I would have thought twice. It was interesting that when we sent in the and product description and what it was used for, that the mkting dept couldn't get the idea right.
We'd tell them and they finally admitted that they had no idea what a "dutch oven" was and it was painfully obvious that they didn't care either. Stephanie Kanosh, Utah
As of March 1992 I was a client of Invention submission corporation and in less than thirty days after I signed with ISC, my contract was breach in numerous ways. It is 13 years later and I upon conducting research have just been made aware of the facts. ISC employee a Mr. Philip Adelberg in 1988-1994 with their sister company called "Intromark Inc.," whom in return had a licensing agreement with a company called (mythic entertainment)or Couch Potato Trademark & Design who in turn entered into a licensing deal with Bandai (foreign Distributor) of Toyko,Japan.
My invention was titled "The Zodiac Knights 2000" Bandai and a company called Renaissance-atlantic entertainment and Renaissance-Atlantic Films FundBv, attempted to deceive the USPTO on Numerous occassions to acquire my Trademark Title. There is also a company called Toei Animation and Masami Kurumada, Sheuisha also made fraudualent attempts to acquire my trademark name by using reverse palming or reverse confusion in reference to the Copyright Office and Trademark Office. Bandai was introduced to my invention through Intromark Inc, which gave them access to my creative expression, therefore creating a breach of contract.
Mr. Kurumada Masami calmed to be the creator of the "Knights of the Zodiac" the same as Zodiac Knights, when in fact his creation was called "Knights of the Elements" or Twelve gold saints all infringing on the creative expression of the Zodiac Knights 2000, which is a superhero that would represent the signs of the Zodiac. There had to be a creation of a Fraudulent Creator and Developer inorder to revive and old canceled anime series known as "Saint Seiya" and not "Knights of the Zodiac" inorder to remove the original creator from the equation.
There are an overwhelming number of other corporation involved in bring this Fraud to the United States in order to sell and deceive the Public that this was and now is a new anime cartoon series. The Facts out weight the opinions in this case that will soon be in a class action lawsuit. Isaac Orlando, Florida
In 2002 we met with a rep and his assisstant from ISC. They wanted to know more about our idea. After discussing the idea we were encouraged to sign up with them to represent us and our invention. In order to get started we needed to give them a deposit and the rest was signed over to a Loan company that works with them. They promised we would get a patent, contacts, brochures, Trade Shows, manufactures and a cd- rome of our invention to submit to companies that were interested in our product.
So far,all we received is lists of companies that they say that they submitted our idea to.We have no way of knowing if this is genuine. Our experiences with this company has been very overbearing and finacially draining. My only hope now is that the FTC will not let people like this take advantage of consumers. Mary ann Lathrop, California
Wow, glad I found this forum to warn others. I got depressed all over again after opening my desk drawer full-honestly a full desk drawer-of documentation from this utterly grueling endeavor. I, like many others, have been victimized by a company(s) that had no intention of promoting my ideas in any way whatsoever. This was evidenced by the utter lack of response or proper course of action when ISC was informed that they were submitting my ideas to the wrong companies and was provided a list of companies that would be most likely interested in what I was proposing. One concern I had was that one item I presented would have to be shown to companies overseas in order to be successful.
I asked if I would need foreign patents and the sales representative- Mr. Chet Dombroski- informed me during one of our preliminary meetings that I would not need to do so. I have since found out that the information provided by Mr. Dombroski was blatantly false. Not only would I need to apply for patents in these countries, it would be even more money. Coupled with this, is the fact that there was allegedly someone-I use the term "allegedly someone" due to the fact that I don't even know if they ever existed-that had supposedly work there, left the company somehow, and then I recieved a letter allegedly from this person dated a week after they were no longer with the company. John Califon, New Jersey
I wish I had investigated this company before I started paying my hard earned money. I received it all -- the hard sell, the enthusiastic salesperson, etc. I had an interview with them in February 2004 and here it is August 2004 and no one from the company has returned any information to 1) If the idea is marketable 2) The patent attorney's analysis 3) If this so-called report has been completed, etc. Yet, this company will call me at my place of business because they want their money.
What I have received in return are harassing telephone calls at my place of employment. This company has only received partial payment and I have contacted my attorney to find out my next course of action against this company. Please -- DO NOT CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY!! ALL YOU WILL GET IS HEARTACHE, HARASSMENT AND BROKEN PROMISES. Vanesa Brooklyn, New York
Invention submission corporation aka universal finance company warning!!!!!! temporary scam telemarketers and representatives in burbank, california...And changing address quarterly. Pretend to sell you a dream and take your last savings and credit of $12,000 plus more. No such thing as a financing company to finance you without checking credit and i knew that all though they are taught to blow smoke... Sales representatives know they are not doing a righteous sale and leave premises within a few months due to guilt... Isc and ufc are both owned by scam artist martin s. Berger so said on ftc files...
Ftc has sued these companies and anyone who has been scammed and ripped off should consult with an attorney asap to settle. I am working on seeking an attorney to represent with constingence...To get my $10,000 back and pay 25% god will punish this company and all who is digged in it... This is not a righteous thing to do to anyone... They have even stolen from handicapped, ministers, young college students such myself, and the elderly...And they are seeking for more vulnerable people... If any attorney or guidance to settle for justice please contact me through the rebuttal key. Thank you, linda roma, texas
U.S.A. Click here to see why scamion, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this report.
I forwarded my invemtion imformation (Alert) or RunOff to the National Idear Center. My understanding was that my invention information mailed to that company was keeped confidential ,and that I would be protected and receive grate service. To my dismay I've seen my invention indicated on different vehicles on the television commercials for Volvo and Mercedes. I have been Ripped Off.
INVENTION MARKETING/SUBMISSION anyone who dealt with these invention companies, I wish I could meet you. I am a victim too. whittier California, this is maybe an answer to you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! my cosmetic idea was taken away from me. today it is being sold, got all papers, etc. and problems finding an attorney to help me on a contingency fee. wish we could al meet someplace and stand up for justice sake. MAYBE JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!!! these companies should be closed. think of it as a modern day ponzi scheme with inventions. anyway to contact me or me to contact you let me know, as for security reasons this rip off does not put that info in the public eye.
We went to them and paid the research fee. they said it was a great idea. then we paid the other fee that was suppose to be refundable.they froze the account and never refunded our money.
I feel i have been riped off by thiis corp.because they told me off the record that my idea was a good one and that i think you hit a good one when i told them i realy didnt have the money he handed me a credit applacation and said to put down a false income and they would ok the loan with a good down payment . I was so excited that i gave him my last $299.00 and i thought was going to get my invention going after a few steps through there services now the loan company is bothering me for payment which i dont have because i dont make the money that they told me to put down on my application that i earned but they got another sale in i guess there is a sucker born every day and imm living proof Walter fleming, Colorado
I called Invention Submission Corp. to have them market a new seasoning I had created. I thought, due to their advertisements, that they were a very reputable company. I was informed that Mr. Arnold Newman was the only representative I could work with as he was the Regional Director for Washington and Oregon state. I met with Mr. Newman at his office on Dec. 05, 2005 @ approximately 1:00pm. He proceeded to again to tell me that he "owned" these territorys, and that he is the "only" person to work with since at the time I was living in Seattle, WA. After explaning the process of having my invention submitted, I felt comfortable enough to go ahead and committ to following thru with my idea. On Dec. 07,2005, I paid him $13,990.00.Pluse $945.00.
I put a stop payment on the checks on Dec 5, 2005 at Mr. Newman's request and wrote a check to Mr. Newman, at his request for $13,500.00 pluse $945.00 on Dec. 28, 2005 The check was written to him directly as he told me that because he was the only one working this area, all money had to go to him directly, and not Invention Submission Corp. The checks had been initially written to Invention Submission Corp. Now called Invent Help. I have copies of every receipt, bank draft in case they are needed. I also have the original signed contracts. You see where this is going. About a week later I called to check on Mr. Newman's progress, as I had not heard anything from him. I was then informed that Mr. Newman had been fired a week after I got involved.
It was then that I found out that Invention Submission Corp. had planned on firing him at the time they were telling me that he was the only one I can deal with. I have the name of a current or maybe former now, employee who can verify this. I have Mr. Newman's home address and phone number, and have made constant attempts to contact him. He refuses to answer my calls. It is 2007, and I have not gotten ANY of what I paid for, and ISP has been of no assistance in helping me to recover my money, when it is they who put me in contact with him. This is a criminal matter, and I want justice! This company allowed one of their employees to take everything I had, as it appears they have done so to many others. I'm not going to sit back and let this happen to me. He can run, but he cannot hide. I know where he lives. I live in North Carolina currently. I would like to here from an attorney on this, if there is one out there looking into this scam. Carolyn Charlotte, North Carolina
In July of 2000, I took a unique design for a yard barn to Invention Submission Corp. office in Independence Oh. I had professionally done blueprints which I displayed to their rep. He gave me high pressure tactics along with a request for about $4000.00 to "make up prints" and to patent the idea. I stated that was too much and to forget it. He asked if he could show the prints to an "engineer" as this was such a good idea, they might fund part of the cost. I agreed and after about 20 min. he returned stating no one was there. I left and about a month later received a phone call asking if I was going to go with this patent. I stated no. In the fall of 2003, I happened to be in a local branch of a large lumber supply company and lo and behold, they were selling a barn constructed exactly the same as my design. I contacted the president of the Lumber Co. and explained the situation and inquiring as to where this barn design came from. All I received was the run around in subsequent phone calls. I reported this problem to the FTC but have not as yet heard from them. Did the rep. copy the prints and after determining that I was not going to file for a patent, then sell those drawings to this lumber company? You decide. Denny Copley, Ohio
I was looking through my storage for the book ISC cave us in regards to our invention patent back in 2003. I found it and did not see a US patent number for our idea. We were under the impression due to what we were told that we had a patent. Especially after paying 16,000 dollars over i belive 2 years of doing so called business with them. To make a long story short nothing ever happened. They kept telling us of all these events that they were going to present our idea at which never happened. All they did was ask for more and more money to where we stopped at 16,000 bucks. These people are rip offs! All they want is more money, and they dont do any work except asking fore more money. Its total rubbish! They should be sued & made to give back all the money they have stolen from unsuspecting people, who are hard working citizens. They should be ashamed of themselves!!!