I am a victim of fraud, mr. Bjorn bijster, owner and ceo of glimm screens bv, based in felland noord 10, 9753 tb haren, committed a business fraud with me.
After visiting the website of mr. Bjorn company, glimmdisplay.com, where mr. Bjorn claims that the products he offers are manufactured by him in netherlands, we choose and give preference to eu origin products over chinese products, which were available on a much lesser price in the market. We contacted glimm screens bv and after several telephonic calls and email correspondences with mr. Bjorn, discussing possible business cooperation for pakistan market, we started planning to establish our business relations with his company glimm screens bv. On the professional advice of mr. Bjorn, we confirmed our order, which mr. Bjorn selected for us comprises of holographic display screens and led foil. We received the invoice from glimm accounts department of 9145 euros, equivalent to us$9968, which included product price and air freight transportation charges, i transferred the complete amount of us$9968 into glimm companies account, transfer was confirmed by companies account officer ms. Simon, wife of ceo mr. Bjorn.
We expected our order to be delivered within a week time, but it took mr. Bjorn quite a long time to deliver our order, which was incomplete, we received partial shipment of our order of our first article, after waiting for several weeks, we received second partial shipment, by air, we also received an email from glimm screens, apologizing for the delay in delivery of our order and asking some more time to deliver the balance shipment which was led foil worth euros 3750, euro 3500 for the led foil and 250 for the air transportation). We waited for quite some time for the delivery of our order and, regularly, after a brief intervals, kept inquiring about our order and delivery status, initially mr. Bjorn and his office did not respond to my email queries, later i called on mr. Bjorn cell phone, he was very apologetic and asked me to give few more days for delivery, we waited and waited but mr. Bjorn did not responded, i called him on his cell phone but he use to drop the line, and use to send a very lame messages, that i will call you back, but he never called back. After a long waiting period, i called him again on his cell phone, luckily he received my call, i asked him to tell us and confirm our delivery as my clients in pakistan with whom i have promised to give presentation on the product are getting frustrated as they are waiting for my product presentation, on behalf of mr. Bjorn i convinced my clients to be provided with a superior eu origin high quality products for their marketing and advertisement campaign, as they were planning to import the same technology from china, i convinced them not to, and now the time is running out and their competitors are gaining new business of advertisements and my clients are getting behind in the market loosing their business and time and money. I received a very strange response from mr. Bijster acknowledging that all my order is ready but he is waiting for the right transporter to ship the order, this makes me very suspicious and also very frustrating, as it was the same type of product which mr. Bjorn shipped earlier, i thought may be the product is very sensitive and it will take another few more days to deliver the order, but again for weeks and months mr. Bijster kept me waiting, i constantly inquired about my order and one day i received some very strange messages on my cell phone from mr. Bjorn, we were informed by mr. Bjorn that factory was closed for 4 weeks, and that our order is ready and that he will deliver on coming monday, but later on inquiring about the status of shipment no confirmation was given to us, i start making frequent inquiries about our order but we received no response, i made phone calls on mr. Bjorn call center, but received no response, i called on mr bjorn cell phone but he ignored my calls, i call his call center and leave a message for him but he never respond, and than all of a sudden he stopped responding to my phone calls, messages and emails. We placed our order after going through his website, glimmdisplay.com, where he clearly claims that he is the manufacturer, which he later denied in the email that he shared with my lawyer.
After mr. Bjorn disappeared and stopped responding to us completely, we contacted a law firm in holland and hire their services for contacting mr. Bjorn, the lawyer contacted him and after several email correspondences mr. Bjorn accepted that he is at default, he offered us a very small amount to settle the matter, with a very lame excuse where he mentioned that he is not the manufacturer and he bought the product from some cheap market at a low price which he sold to us for euros 3500/ and now, after he made his own calculations of finances he wants to return us few hundred euros, in his immediate response he even backed out of this offer also, since it was such a ridiculous explanation from mr. Bjorn, which was totally unacceptable as we deserved our full claimed amount that we paid to him for the product which was never delivered to us and as he failed to deliver the order after receiving full payment, so we did not accept his offer, later mr. Bjorn used all delaying tactics and stopped responding even to my law firm, hiring a law firm was an expensive expenditure and yet another add up expense to my financial loss and because of my financial set back i could not hire it for a longer time period, my law firm wanted to get the settlement out of court to avoid legal procedure financial expenses and time of both the parties, because of my financial constraints the case was not taken to the court for legal procedure, mr. Bijster took advantage of this situation and backed out of his offer he made to us and completely stopped responding.
The following email response of mr. Bjorn lawyer confirms our claim and mr. Bjorn business fraud.
Most reliable proof provided by mr. Bijster himself in the response which is the most important content of the email from mr. Bijster lawyer responding on behalf of mr. Bijster
Wat cliënte, althans de heer beijster heeft gezegd, is dat wanneer vast staat dat bij de verzonden pakketten niet was bijgesloten het “transparant flexible led foil”, hij bereid is dat na te leveren of onder aftrek van de inkoopkosten aan uw cliënt te vergoeden. U hebt de heer beijster namens de heer abdullah raja laten weten dat hij geen belang hecht aan een nalevering.
Louter ter voorkoming van een kosten verslindende procedure heb ik cliënte geadviseerd een dergelijk voorstel van uw cliënte in overweging te nemen. Hoewel ik nog steeds grote vraagtekens zet bij de betrouwbaarheid van uw cliënt en het niet ontvangen van het led foil.
Graag hoor ik van u of uw client bereid is het dossier te sluiten wanneer het door hem voor het led foil betaalde bedrag ad € 3.500,00, onder aftrek van de inkoopkosten van het led foil, aan hem wordt terugbetaald. Met de betaling waarvan partijen volledig jegens elkaar zijn gekweten. Als dat het geval is, ben ik bereid cliënte te bewegen het dossier op die manier af te doen.
Onderwerp: re: ons kenmerk: d20170002 glimm screens/ international innovative products uw kenmerk: m20180696 [awm_2180696]
Urgentie: hoog
Geachte mevrouw khan,
Met enige vertraging vanwege een verblijf in het buitenland van de heer beijster en aansluitend ondergetekende, bericht ik u het volgende.
Al eerder is door mij uiteengezet dat alle goederen zijn verstuurd, maar door de voorgenomen belastingontduiking van uw client, daarbij ogenschijnlijk iets is misgegaan.
Cliënte heeft ten behoeve van uw client toentertijd een maatwerkproduct besteld en daarvoor kosten gemaakt. Nu, anderhalf jaar na dato, beweert uw client aanvankelijk alle bestelde goederen niet te hebben ontvangen om vervolgens, nadat die onwaarheid aan het licht is gekomen, te beweren dat het led foil niet is ontvangen. Door cliënte wordt dat betwist.
Mijn voorstel namens cliënte was en is dan ook om van het door uw client betaalde bedrag ad €3.500,00, de inkoopprijs van het led foil scherm af te trekken en met de terugbetaling van het restant door cliënte aan uw client de zaak definitief te sluiten. Eén en ander tegen finale kwijting over en weer.
Dat cliënte bereid is om een deel van de kosten aan uw client te vergoeden is dan ook louter coulance halve en uit proceseconomisch oogpunt.
Ik heb cliënte gevraagd het inkoopbewijs boven water te halen. Dat vergt even wat tijd vanwege een verbouwing van het bedrijfspand. Cliënte liet mij wel op voorhand weten dat de inkoopprijs van het scherm ligt tussen het absolute minimum van € 1.650,00 ex btw en maximaal € 2.500,00 ex btw. Cliënte staat het meeste bij dat het € 2.350,00 ex btw was. De inkooprijs voor dergelijke schermen fluctueert namelijk nogal en ligt thans zelfs op om en nabij de 4.000,00 dollar.
Zodra het inkoopbewijs boven water is, zal ik u dat toesturen met, naar het zich laat aanzien, het voorstel om van het door uw client betaalde bedrag ad € 3.500,00 in ieder geval € 1.650,00 ex btw in mindering te brengen, maar naar alle waarschijnlijkheid een bedrag in mindering te brengen van om en nabij de € 2.500,00 ex btw. Met de betaling van het restant door cliënte kan wat mij betreft alsdan de zaak tegen finale kwijting worden afgedaan.
Erop vetrouwende u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.
A couple of months back i approached my embassy in holland, they contacted him, a meeting was set, but on the schedule date of meeting mr. Bijster disappeared and did not respond to any contact they made. Later i requested my embassy commercial officer to contact him again, but once again mr. Bijster used delaying tactics, earlier i sent him an email requesting him to settle my matter with my embassy, if not than we will take all necessary steps against him and i will not let him get away with his crime and will take all possible actions and contact all concerned dutch authorities and if he will not return my hard earned money of 3750 euros i will expose him and his company fraud business practices. My email is in regard to my efforts that i am making for the last 2 years now, hiring a law firm helped me to get in contact with mr. Bjorn and make him admit his crime. This email correspondence between mr. Bjorn, his lawyer and my lawyer provided sufficient proofs which i would not have gathered and they are provided by mr. Bjorn lawyer himself, which is undeniable .
It is my humble request to you to kindly provide me assistance and help me to get my claim and expose mr. Bjorn business fraud, i am too tired and lost my health my family and my business, i am financially broken and cannot afford lawyers and legal procedure expenses.
Above all mr. Bijster and his company is bringing bad name to the dutch people and to your country the netherlands and also damaging the reputation of dutch business community and when the world will come to know how he is conducting his business and not being apprehended by authorities even after accepting his fraud it will also leave a bad impression on the international businessmen community kindly take action to make businesses safe from his criminal intentions.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration and cooperation.
international innovative products Reviews
I am a victim of fraud, mr. Bjorn bijster, owner and ceo of glimm screens bv, based in felland noord 10, 9753 tb haren, committed a business fraud with me.
After visiting the website of mr. Bjorn company, glimmdisplay.com, where mr. Bjorn claims that the products he offers are manufactured by him in netherlands, we choose and give preference to eu origin products over chinese products, which were available on a much lesser price in the market. We contacted glimm screens bv and after several telephonic calls and email correspondences with mr. Bjorn, discussing possible business cooperation for pakistan market, we started planning to establish our business relations with his company glimm screens bv. On the professional advice of mr. Bjorn, we confirmed our order, which mr. Bjorn selected for us comprises of holographic display screens and led foil. We received the invoice from glimm accounts department of 9145 euros, equivalent to us$9968, which included product price and air freight transportation charges, i transferred the complete amount of us$9968 into glimm companies account, transfer was confirmed by companies account officer ms. Simon, wife of ceo mr. Bjorn.
We expected our order to be delivered within a week time, but it took mr. Bjorn quite a long time to deliver our order, which was incomplete, we received partial shipment of our order of our first article, after waiting for several weeks, we received second partial shipment, by air, we also received an email from glimm screens, apologizing for the delay in delivery of our order and asking some more time to deliver the balance shipment which was led foil worth euros 3750, euro 3500 for the led foil and 250 for the air transportation). We waited for quite some time for the delivery of our order and, regularly, after a brief intervals, kept inquiring about our order and delivery status, initially mr. Bjorn and his office did not respond to my email queries, later i called on mr. Bjorn cell phone, he was very apologetic and asked me to give few more days for delivery, we waited and waited but mr. Bjorn did not responded, i called him on his cell phone but he use to drop the line, and use to send a very lame messages, that i will call you back, but he never called back. After a long waiting period, i called him again on his cell phone, luckily he received my call, i asked him to tell us and confirm our delivery as my clients in pakistan with whom i have promised to give presentation on the product are getting frustrated as they are waiting for my product presentation, on behalf of mr. Bjorn i convinced my clients to be provided with a superior eu origin high quality products for their marketing and advertisement campaign, as they were planning to import the same technology from china, i convinced them not to, and now the time is running out and their competitors are gaining new business of advertisements and my clients are getting behind in the market loosing their business and time and money. I received a very strange response from mr. Bijster acknowledging that all my order is ready but he is waiting for the right transporter to ship the order, this makes me very suspicious and also very frustrating, as it was the same type of product which mr. Bjorn shipped earlier, i thought may be the product is very sensitive and it will take another few more days to deliver the order, but again for weeks and months mr. Bijster kept me waiting, i constantly inquired about my order and one day i received some very strange messages on my cell phone from mr. Bjorn, we were informed by mr. Bjorn that factory was closed for 4 weeks, and that our order is ready and that he will deliver on coming monday, but later on inquiring about the status of shipment no confirmation was given to us, i start making frequent inquiries about our order but we received no response, i made phone calls on mr. Bjorn call center, but received no response, i called on mr bjorn cell phone but he ignored my calls, i call his call center and leave a message for him but he never respond, and than all of a sudden he stopped responding to my phone calls, messages and emails. We placed our order after going through his website, glimmdisplay.com, where he clearly claims that he is the manufacturer, which he later denied in the email that he shared with my lawyer.
After mr. Bjorn disappeared and stopped responding to us completely, we contacted a law firm in holland and hire their services for contacting mr. Bjorn, the lawyer contacted him and after several email correspondences mr. Bjorn accepted that he is at default, he offered us a very small amount to settle the matter, with a very lame excuse where he mentioned that he is not the manufacturer and he bought the product from some cheap market at a low price which he sold to us for euros 3500/ and now, after he made his own calculations of finances he wants to return us few hundred euros, in his immediate response he even backed out of this offer also, since it was such a ridiculous explanation from mr. Bjorn, which was totally unacceptable as we deserved our full claimed amount that we paid to him for the product which was never delivered to us and as he failed to deliver the order after receiving full payment, so we did not accept his offer, later mr. Bjorn used all delaying tactics and stopped responding even to my law firm, hiring a law firm was an expensive expenditure and yet another add up expense to my financial loss and because of my financial set back i could not hire it for a longer time period, my law firm wanted to get the settlement out of court to avoid legal procedure financial expenses and time of both the parties, because of my financial constraints the case was not taken to the court for legal procedure, mr. Bijster took advantage of this situation and backed out of his offer he made to us and completely stopped responding.
The following email response of mr. Bjorn lawyer confirms our claim and mr. Bjorn business fraud.
Most reliable proof provided by mr. Bijster himself in the response which is the most important content of the email from mr. Bijster lawyer responding on behalf of mr. Bijster
Wat cliënte, althans de heer beijster heeft gezegd, is dat wanneer vast staat dat bij de verzonden pakketten niet was bijgesloten het “transparant flexible led foil”, hij bereid is dat na te leveren of onder aftrek van de inkoopkosten aan uw cliënt te vergoeden. U hebt de heer beijster namens de heer abdullah raja laten weten dat hij geen belang hecht aan een nalevering.
Louter ter voorkoming van een kosten verslindende procedure heb ik cliënte geadviseerd een dergelijk voorstel van uw cliënte in overweging te nemen. Hoewel ik nog steeds grote vraagtekens zet bij de betrouwbaarheid van uw cliënt en het niet ontvangen van het led foil.
Graag hoor ik van u of uw client bereid is het dossier te sluiten wanneer het door hem voor het led foil betaalde bedrag ad € 3.500,00, onder aftrek van de inkoopkosten van het led foil, aan hem wordt terugbetaald. Met de betaling waarvan partijen volledig jegens elkaar zijn gekweten. Als dat het geval is, ben ik bereid cliënte te bewegen het dossier op die manier af te doen.
In afwachting van uw positieve berichten.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Mr. F.W. Erik) ottow
Ottow juristen
De seine 43
8494 pe nes gem. Heerenveen)
T 06 53 91 55 16
[email protected]
Email proof of evidence of mr. Bijster criminal act
Van: ottow juristen [mailto:[email protected]]
Verzonden: dinsdag 18 december 2018 15:15
Aan: mw mr. N. Khan
Onderwerp: re: ons kenmerk: d20170002 glimm screens/ international innovative products uw kenmerk: m20180696 [awm_2180696]
Urgentie: hoog
Geachte mevrouw khan,
Met enige vertraging vanwege een verblijf in het buitenland van de heer beijster en aansluitend ondergetekende, bericht ik u het volgende.
Al eerder is door mij uiteengezet dat alle goederen zijn verstuurd, maar door de voorgenomen belastingontduiking van uw client, daarbij ogenschijnlijk iets is misgegaan.
Cliënte heeft ten behoeve van uw client toentertijd een maatwerkproduct besteld en daarvoor kosten gemaakt. Nu, anderhalf jaar na dato, beweert uw client aanvankelijk alle bestelde goederen niet te hebben ontvangen om vervolgens, nadat die onwaarheid aan het licht is gekomen, te beweren dat het led foil niet is ontvangen. Door cliënte wordt dat betwist.
Mijn voorstel namens cliënte was en is dan ook om van het door uw client betaalde bedrag ad €3.500,00, de inkoopprijs van het led foil scherm af te trekken en met de terugbetaling van het restant door cliënte aan uw client de zaak definitief te sluiten. Eén en ander tegen finale kwijting over en weer.
Dat cliënte bereid is om een deel van de kosten aan uw client te vergoeden is dan ook louter coulance halve en uit proceseconomisch oogpunt.
Ik heb cliënte gevraagd het inkoopbewijs boven water te halen. Dat vergt even wat tijd vanwege een verbouwing van het bedrijfspand. Cliënte liet mij wel op voorhand weten dat de inkoopprijs van het scherm ligt tussen het absolute minimum van € 1.650,00 ex btw en maximaal € 2.500,00 ex btw. Cliënte staat het meeste bij dat het € 2.350,00 ex btw was. De inkooprijs voor dergelijke schermen fluctueert namelijk nogal en ligt thans zelfs op om en nabij de 4.000,00 dollar.
Zodra het inkoopbewijs boven water is, zal ik u dat toesturen met, naar het zich laat aanzien, het voorstel om van het door uw client betaalde bedrag ad € 3.500,00 in ieder geval € 1.650,00 ex btw in mindering te brengen, maar naar alle waarschijnlijkheid een bedrag in mindering te brengen van om en nabij de € 2.500,00 ex btw. Met de betaling van het restant door cliënte kan wat mij betreft alsdan de zaak tegen finale kwijting worden afgedaan.
Erop vetrouwende u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Mr. F.W. Erik) ottow
Ottow juristen
De seine 43
8494 pe nes gem. Heerenveen)
T 06 53 91 55 16
[email protected]
A couple of months back i approached my embassy in holland, they contacted him, a meeting was set, but on the schedule date of meeting mr. Bijster disappeared and did not respond to any contact they made. Later i requested my embassy commercial officer to contact him again, but once again mr. Bijster used delaying tactics, earlier i sent him an email requesting him to settle my matter with my embassy, if not than we will take all necessary steps against him and i will not let him get away with his crime and will take all possible actions and contact all concerned dutch authorities and if he will not return my hard earned money of 3750 euros i will expose him and his company fraud business practices. My email is in regard to my efforts that i am making for the last 2 years now, hiring a law firm helped me to get in contact with mr. Bjorn and make him admit his crime. This email correspondence between mr. Bjorn, his lawyer and my lawyer provided sufficient proofs which i would not have gathered and they are provided by mr. Bjorn lawyer himself, which is undeniable .
It is my humble request to you to kindly provide me assistance and help me to get my claim and expose mr. Bjorn business fraud, i am too tired and lost my health my family and my business, i am financially broken and cannot afford lawyers and legal procedure expenses.
Above all mr. Bijster and his company is bringing bad name to the dutch people and to your country the netherlands and also damaging the reputation of dutch business community and when the world will come to know how he is conducting his business and not being apprehended by authorities even after accepting his fraud it will also leave a bad impression on the international businessmen community kindly take action to make businesses safe from his criminal intentions.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration and cooperation.
Abdullah raja
International innovative products
Karachi pakistan
Contact 0092 321 9234534