International animal rescue foundation is ran by one man who lives in an apartment at 3 blazer court northumberland st. Norwich united kingdom. His organization only exists on facebook, which is over 30+ pages which is admin’d only by him to our knowledge at this time.
An amended and updated list of all iarf fb pages
If you have liked any of these pages it is best to unlike, it is also wise to report any money donated to international animal rescue foundation to action fraud and to your pay pal/bank accounts for a full refund.
Also note that many of these pages have blocked countries from viewing it.
Action fraud and the eu transparency registrar list have denounced international animal rescue foundation. Animal liberation front have denounced international animal rescue foundation. Negotiation is over have denounced international animal rescue foundation.
Anonymous have denounced international animal rescue foundation. In addition, the legit international animal rescue has denounced international animal rescue foundation.
Back in 2011 2012 he started the facebook page called operation benue state zoo and tried to steal donations away from cee4life. Cee4life were there to help benue and nat apir. Nat apir never received any donations from john williamson or iarf, yet jon would have people believe otherwise.
We often question where those donations went, yet he will not say. Nor will he show the appropriate receipts.
2013/2014 he tried to steal donations from peta who were collecting said money for sunder. Although sunder is now free, we question where the donations went that john/iarf collected, because it did not go to peta or toward sunders’ release.
2013 to now- he has been sabotaging a uk based charity called world protection for the dogs and cats in the meat trade, otherwise known for their campaign arm, no to dog meat. However, he is not alone in this endeavor. Amber donoghue, karen cole, craig eibeck, michele brown-price and others have been helping him with a hate campaign directed at no to dog meat and myself along with several others whom have an affiliation with no to dog meat.
They have stolen photos of volunteers and supporters and posted it on their facebook pages with volatile statements of slander, defamation and libelous degree’s. They have also went as far as to make a to continue their harassment; everything stated in their report is fabrication with no validated proof behind it.
2014 john williamson harassed the no to dog meat ceo julia cadenet with early morning/late night phone calls. While doing this he recorded her without her knowledge and his friend altered the conversation to make julia appear suspect. The videos were however taken down from youtube.
If you have listened to those clips, then know this, john williamson did not put the whole conversation up, and because of this people have turned against no to dog meat. Without knowing the full truth of what led to certain things being said.
We believe john gave the audio to amber donoghue for her to alter, as she has experience in photoshop and audio due to her expertise in marketing for the bdc in sussex. Where she makes advertisements, audio and digital graphics. Her company - http://www.Blueprint-design.Co.Uk/people.Aspx
John williamson and amber donoghue on several occasions has violently harassed me online and even on my local police departments facebook page. John williamson was warned by andrew mcdonnell not to mention julia cadenet or any of the no to dog meat supporters/volunteers, which includes myself. Amber donoghue was also told not to speak of no to dog meat etc. However they have continued.
These people have posted personal details and addresses out into the public view and have targeted people with disabilities. These people claim to be animal rights advocates and activists, yet i ask you what kind of animal advocates and activists would stoop so low into sullying a legit charity and other advocates/activists?
Julia had no control over those old pages, as michele and her two buddies jon and craig kicked her off as admin and took over her facebook accounts. Julia entrusted michele brown with passwords and in doing so, led to that moment, of complete chaos.
Julia thought she could trust michele brown. Only later did she find that michele was in bed with jon and had a shady history.
The blame cannot solely be placed on julia as she was only doing what she thought was right... That being to help michele brown have access to the internet since michele's internet was not working. So julia being the kind hearted individual gave the password to the film and business network, which ironically was the same password for julia's accounts.
Michele brown and jon williamson Joseph dimitri) had a field day, and took photos, key information and contact addresses from the accounts. And you can only imagine what happened from there. They posioned penned each contact, they started their copycat page "say no to dog meat.Net" and are now trying to collect donations under the guise of being a charity, when they are not.
Say no to dogmeat.Net litterally dangles the stolen information in front of everyone.
Animal buddy/amber donoghue and company are, indeed part of iarf. It is obvious and plain to see. As they stick up for iarf and jon williamson daily. While sullying us every chance they get.
Iarf/animal buddy should not be trusted. As nothing they have state have any credibility and or proof to back it up.
International Animal Rescue Reviews
International animal rescue foundation is ran by one man who lives in an apartment at 3 blazer court northumberland st. Norwich united kingdom. His organization only exists on facebook, which is over 30+ pages which is admin’d only by him to our knowledge at this time.
An amended and updated list of all iarf fb pages
If you have liked any of these pages it is best to unlike, it is also wise to report any money donated to international animal rescue foundation to action fraud and to your pay pal/bank accounts for a full refund.
Also note that many of these pages have blocked countries from viewing it.
Action fraud and the eu transparency registrar list have denounced international animal rescue foundation. Animal liberation front have denounced international animal rescue foundation. Negotiation is over have denounced international animal rescue foundation.
Anonymous have denounced international animal rescue foundation. In addition, the legit international animal rescue has denounced international animal rescue foundation.
Back in 2011 2012 he started the facebook page called operation benue state zoo and tried to steal donations away from cee4life. Cee4life were there to help benue and nat apir. Nat apir never received any donations from john williamson or iarf, yet jon would have people believe otherwise.
We often question where those donations went, yet he will not say. Nor will he show the appropriate receipts.
2013/2014 he tried to steal donations from peta who were collecting said money for sunder. Although sunder is now free, we question where the donations went that john/iarf collected, because it did not go to peta or toward sunders’ release.
2013 to now- he has been sabotaging a uk based charity called world protection for the dogs and cats in the meat trade, otherwise known for their campaign arm, no to dog meat. However, he is not alone in this endeavor. Amber donoghue, karen cole, craig eibeck, michele brown-price and others have been helping him with a hate campaign directed at no to dog meat and myself along with several others whom have an affiliation with no to dog meat.
They have stolen photos of volunteers and supporters and posted it on their facebook pages with volatile statements of slander, defamation and libelous degree’s. They have also went as far as to make a to continue their harassment; everything stated in their report is fabrication with no validated proof behind it.
2014 john williamson harassed the no to dog meat ceo julia cadenet with early morning/late night phone calls. While doing this he recorded her without her knowledge and his friend altered the conversation to make julia appear suspect. The videos were however taken down from youtube.
If you have listened to those clips, then know this, john williamson did not put the whole conversation up, and because of this people have turned against no to dog meat. Without knowing the full truth of what led to certain things being said.
We believe john gave the audio to amber donoghue for her to alter, as she has experience in photoshop and audio due to her expertise in marketing for the bdc in sussex. Where she makes advertisements, audio and digital graphics. Her company - http://www.Blueprint-design.Co.Uk/people.Aspx
John williamson and amber donoghue on several occasions has violently harassed me online and even on my local police departments facebook page. John williamson was warned by andrew mcdonnell not to mention julia cadenet or any of the no to dog meat supporters/volunteers, which includes myself. Amber donoghue was also told not to speak of no to dog meat etc. However they have continued.
These people have posted personal details and addresses out into the public view and have targeted people with disabilities. These people claim to be animal rights advocates and activists, yet i ask you what kind of animal advocates and activists would stoop so low into sullying a legit charity and other advocates/activists?
Julia had no control over those old pages, as michele and her two buddies jon and craig kicked her off as admin and took over her facebook accounts. Julia entrusted michele brown with passwords and in doing so, led to that moment, of complete chaos.
Julia thought she could trust michele brown. Only later did she find that michele was in bed with jon and had a shady history.
The blame cannot solely be placed on julia as she was only doing what she thought was right... That being to help michele brown have access to the internet since michele's internet was not working. So julia being the kind hearted individual gave the password to the film and business network, which ironically was the same password for julia's accounts.
Michele brown and jon williamson Joseph dimitri) had a field day, and took photos, key information and contact addresses from the accounts. And you can only imagine what happened from there. They posioned penned each contact, they started their copycat page "say no to dog meat.Net" and are now trying to collect donations under the guise of being a charity, when they are not.
Say no to dogmeat.Net litterally dangles the stolen information in front of everyone.
Animal buddy/amber donoghue and company are, indeed part of iarf. It is obvious and plain to see. As they stick up for iarf and jon williamson daily. While sullying us every chance they get.
Iarf/animal buddy should not be trusted. As nothing they have state have any credibility and or proof to back it up.