The prospective buyer of my home used this guy to inspect my home and crated a false report of a high water pressure reading. Knowing I was living out of state at the time he used the opportunity to come back after the initial daytime inspection and took a reading in the wee hours of the morning when city water pressures are naturally high because of lack of demand at that time. According to his reading of 110 PSI I agreed it was high and approved the contract to repair it. But once I came back to do the repair my plumber took a evading during midday hours and got a reading slightly over an 80 PSI. Since the contract was signed I had no choice but to comply and spend over $800 for the repair. I reported him to the Texas AG and it is on file there. The licensing agency TREC was of no help since he's basically in their pocket. So I am just writing this to WARN Anyone who us selling a house and the buyer is using Inspector Clouseau Home Inspections of San Antonio, to check the report with a fine toothed comb.
Inspector Clouseau Home Inspections Reviews
The prospective buyer of my home used this guy to inspect my home and crated a false report of a high water pressure reading. Knowing I was living out of state at the time he used the opportunity to come back after the initial daytime inspection and took a reading in the wee hours of the morning when city water pressures are naturally high because of lack of demand at that time. According to his reading of 110 PSI I agreed it was high and approved the contract to repair it. But once I came back to do the repair my plumber took a evading during midday hours and got a reading slightly over an 80 PSI. Since the contract was signed I had no choice but to comply and spend over $800 for the repair. I reported him to the Texas AG and it is on file there. The licensing agency TREC was of no help since he's basically in their pocket. So I am just writing this to WARN Anyone who us selling a house and the buyer is using Inspector Clouseau Home Inspections of San Antonio, to check the report with a fine toothed comb.