I’m an independent business owner in canada who has also been perceivably burned by insight publishing…
In march of 2015 i met with my local business resource center for a ‘check up’ and that’s when i was referred to insight publishing. My colleague had met jeanne bach at an event I believe in toronto) where they had a booth set up. Upon contacting them i was thrilled at the opportunity to be on my way to becoming a more recognized thought leader and published author. Once i signed on the dotted line and they took my payment i halted my own writing project so i could focus on this one.
When i paid i asked what the time line would be. Knowing nothing about the publishing industry but understanding how timelines can shift, i accepted august 2015 as a good length of time. At that time i was also advised to start promoting the book asap, so to get the word out. Good thing i lagged behind on that one).
I stumbled upon a book on my shelf at home Speaking of success) a fellow colleague had been on this project back in early 2000s i believe. No need to think anything suspicious at all of this company…here’s a book on my shelf to prove they are legit and real.
In june i was contacted with the opportunity to purchase additional books at a price of $1.99 per book. I added an additional 200. I asked at that point how it was going, all seemed to be going full steam ahead. I started to talk up insight to see if anyone in my network would be interested in being on a project of this nature Part of insight’s incentive program) in hopes of adding a few extra books to my count.
When mid august hit, i was contacted by jeanne bach again to see if i would be interested in additional books. I declined…and again asked about the project. I was then told the project was delayed to october. No worries i thought.
October came and went…no book. Once again contacted jeanne asking for the update. Most likely january i was told. A colleague who works in publishing told me these delays are normal, most like due to printing issues. Again, no worries!
Around this time, i was successful in convincing a colleague to join on a project! what an opportunity for her to be part of something that will raise her profile…and i get 50 books. Not bad at all. She did some digging and found I dismissed it. I had an insight book on my shelf and, let’s face it, not everything you read on ripoff is legit. I know this…a former financial services company i worked for was cited several times…and they had aaa rating in the industry. Don’t believe everything you read! and, after all, this is a company with 26 or so years of solid credibility…what could possibly go wrong?
January…no book. Insight Jeanne) then was contacting me again to ask if i was interested in additional books. Having just paid down some debt and freeing up some room on my credit card i thought, sure! at $1.99 put me down for 200 more! i was thrilled that i now had 650 books coming to me, a co-authored project with dr. Denis waitley, deepak chopra and jack canfield. Plus, i was reminded my package include the isbn, e-book, and, the most attractive thing, the newsletter that would be sent to 50,000 meeting planners world wide! oh, and the project had again been delayed to late february/early march. Excellent!
Around this time i had also purchased an additional product with dona merritt. It was a spot in a speakers magazine, where i could have my 1 page displayed. Excellent! sold! another $399.00. Perfect! more credit to my raised profile. There was no follow up for dona, no timelines, nothing. So i waited.
In march of 2016, i again was following up with insight to find out about the book and check the timelines with dona for the speakers magazine. No reply from jeanne. Called, no response. Realized i had her on social media, reached out to her there, respectfully asking if she could ‘point me in a direction’ to get some answers. She gave me david wright’s direct email and office number Information i already had), i thanked her…that was that! though at the time i wanted to inquire why she left insight after some 17 years or so with the company, i didn’t want to pry or seem nosey. People change, and move on to other opportunities.
I called insight numerous times, no answer. Emailed david wright, no response. Emailed dona merritt…emails bounced back. Mid april their phones were ‘offline.’ beginning to get that queasy feeling, i emailed david and the general email delivery box.. I was very stern with my word choice…i wanted answers! finally, response. He apologized. Said the phone number was the same one he’s had for 26 years…it’s an technical thing with at&t. I was told that two people had quit Presumably he was referring to dona merritt and jeanne bach) and they were prioritizing…chris ott was to contact me within a couple of days.
My colleague who had also jumped on a project messaged me at that point, indicated their website was down, phones disconnected….It was like they packed up and go the *** out of dodge! and left everyone one with a stack of empty promises, unfulfilled contracts and no books!
So, i’m angry, i feel let down, i’m embarrassed, i’m humiliated and i’m out of pocket nearly $3000, which in the grand scheme of life is not a lot of money…but when you are a solo entrepreneur, it’s stings…and i’m now second guessing anyone who comes forward asking to co-author with them. All i want is answers or my money back. I don’t know what has happened to make this once legitimate company turn sour. David wright owes everyone answers, books and/or refunds! i will definitely be contacting the attorney general and filing a formal complaint. Not sure where it will get me, but it’s worth the time to see if i can get answers, or a partial refund.
For anyone reading this, do not, do not enter into business with insight publishing Should it every resurface) or any of their affilate companies!!!!
Insight Publishing Co Reviews
I’m an independent business owner in canada who has also been perceivably burned by insight publishing…
In march of 2015 i met with my local business resource center for a ‘check up’ and that’s when i was referred to insight publishing. My colleague had met jeanne bach at an event I believe in toronto) where they had a booth set up. Upon contacting them i was thrilled at the opportunity to be on my way to becoming a more recognized thought leader and published author. Once i signed on the dotted line and they took my payment i halted my own writing project so i could focus on this one.
When i paid i asked what the time line would be. Knowing nothing about the publishing industry but understanding how timelines can shift, i accepted august 2015 as a good length of time. At that time i was also advised to start promoting the book asap, so to get the word out. Good thing i lagged behind on that one).
I stumbled upon a book on my shelf at home Speaking of success) a fellow colleague had been on this project back in early 2000s i believe. No need to think anything suspicious at all of this company…here’s a book on my shelf to prove they are legit and real.
In june i was contacted with the opportunity to purchase additional books at a price of $1.99 per book. I added an additional 200. I asked at that point how it was going, all seemed to be going full steam ahead. I started to talk up insight to see if anyone in my network would be interested in being on a project of this nature Part of insight’s incentive program) in hopes of adding a few extra books to my count.
When mid august hit, i was contacted by jeanne bach again to see if i would be interested in additional books. I declined…and again asked about the project. I was then told the project was delayed to october. No worries i thought.
October came and went…no book. Once again contacted jeanne asking for the update. Most likely january i was told. A colleague who works in publishing told me these delays are normal, most like due to printing issues. Again, no worries!
Around this time, i was successful in convincing a colleague to join on a project! what an opportunity for her to be part of something that will raise her profile…and i get 50 books. Not bad at all. She did some digging and found I dismissed it. I had an insight book on my shelf and, let’s face it, not everything you read on ripoff is legit. I know this…a former financial services company i worked for was cited several times…and they had aaa rating in the industry. Don’t believe everything you read! and, after all, this is a company with 26 or so years of solid credibility…what could possibly go wrong?
January…no book. Insight Jeanne) then was contacting me again to ask if i was interested in additional books. Having just paid down some debt and freeing up some room on my credit card i thought, sure! at $1.99 put me down for 200 more! i was thrilled that i now had 650 books coming to me, a co-authored project with dr. Denis waitley, deepak chopra and jack canfield. Plus, i was reminded my package include the isbn, e-book, and, the most attractive thing, the newsletter that would be sent to 50,000 meeting planners world wide! oh, and the project had again been delayed to late february/early march. Excellent!
Around this time i had also purchased an additional product with dona merritt. It was a spot in a speakers magazine, where i could have my 1 page displayed. Excellent! sold! another $399.00. Perfect! more credit to my raised profile. There was no follow up for dona, no timelines, nothing. So i waited.
In march of 2016, i again was following up with insight to find out about the book and check the timelines with dona for the speakers magazine. No reply from jeanne. Called, no response. Realized i had her on social media, reached out to her there, respectfully asking if she could ‘point me in a direction’ to get some answers. She gave me david wright’s direct email and office number Information i already had), i thanked her…that was that! though at the time i wanted to inquire why she left insight after some 17 years or so with the company, i didn’t want to pry or seem nosey. People change, and move on to other opportunities.
I called insight numerous times, no answer. Emailed david wright, no response. Emailed dona merritt…emails bounced back. Mid april their phones were ‘offline.’ beginning to get that queasy feeling, i emailed david and the general email delivery box.. I was very stern with my word choice…i wanted answers! finally, response. He apologized. Said the phone number was the same one he’s had for 26 years…it’s an technical thing with at&t. I was told that two people had quit Presumably he was referring to dona merritt and jeanne bach) and they were prioritizing…chris ott was to contact me within a couple of days.
My colleague who had also jumped on a project messaged me at that point, indicated their website was down, phones disconnected….It was like they packed up and go the *** out of dodge! and left everyone one with a stack of empty promises, unfulfilled contracts and no books!
So, i’m angry, i feel let down, i’m embarrassed, i’m humiliated and i’m out of pocket nearly $3000, which in the grand scheme of life is not a lot of money…but when you are a solo entrepreneur, it’s stings…and i’m now second guessing anyone who comes forward asking to co-author with them. All i want is answers or my money back. I don’t know what has happened to make this once legitimate company turn sour. David wright owes everyone answers, books and/or refunds! i will definitely be contacting the attorney general and filing a formal complaint. Not sure where it will get me, but it’s worth the time to see if i can get answers, or a partial refund.
For anyone reading this, do not, do not enter into business with insight publishing Should it every resurface) or any of their affilate companies!!!!