In June 2015 I was introduced to Eddie Voloshin who stated he was the owner of a water company that infused nano technology modified vitamins into water. I was interested in him bottling a product for me. We signed an NDA and met several times. A year later we met again - June 2016 - and I was ended up investing $90,000 to buy the "Exclusive rights to add any ingredient to water using Nano Technology". A few weeks later at a meeting I was alarmed to see Eddie Voloshin present a "new product" he had been working on. The product I knew was my own formula from the year previously. I advised the CEO of the company that he could NOT use my formulas.
I was told by iNourish (now known as Vitanourish) that they had several products that were ready for market - a caffeine infused in water and a protien. We tried many samples of the protien and flavors and were very excited to get this world first product.
Eddie Voloshin advices us that the nano sized protien was 100% absorbable into the blood stream and that this one product would outsell everything else on the shelf. We were also given a sample of 90g of caffeine in water - we approved both.
Later the next day I took the protein samples out of the fridge to test and noticed large chunks of mold floating thru the bottle. I called Eddy Voloshin immediately and was told that product only had a 24 hour shelf life once opened... The caffeine had also changed - taking on a very bitter smell and taste. I was told the caffeine would not be in the sun at all. I advised iNourish that these items could NOT be sold to the mass public and I wanted to leave the deal as I had lost all confidence. I was finally contacted by Neville Christian, the CEO who assured me he would take care of me. Wow - four months down the track, I am now another $100k down in expenses such as wages for a full staff, a warehouse sitting empty and daily burn rate - but someone was finally goign to look after me. Several days later Neville Christian (or Christian Neville as he likes to call himself) organized a delivery of a new caffeine for me that he has said was made specifically for me. It was delivered in a Smart Water bottle, unlabelled by a woman who had no idea what it was. Assuming it as the 25g of caffeine we had discussed I drank it. An hour later I was on the floor in the middle of a meeting having LSD overdose type symptoms. If I had of been driving I would have been killed. I had been given a massive overdose of caffeine.
Having had enough I messaged the CEO and told him I wanted my money back and that they were the most unprofessional group I had ever worked with. Neville Christian then bombarded me with the most off the wall babblings until after midnight, along with pictures of his oxi scripts. It was a group text and I was abused, slandered, libeled and belitted for hours. Remember that I was the investor of several products that I was told were ready for market - four months had passed and not one product, 100k down in expenses - and I was being violently abused by their CEO for asking for my money back.
I was given a bottle of plain water by Eddy Voloshin and told it was a sample of nano sized caffeine, I was given several bottles of protien that I was told were nano sized protien - a world first. In fact they were bottles with protein blended in them - not nano sized at all. I later confirmed that you CANNOT nano size protien as it is not a singular molecule. I had been lied to, fraudulently sold products that were not what they were stated to be. Now I am facing a lengthy legal battle that will no doubt cost me another 200k to try and get my original money back.
The group continue to look for investors to sell their dodgy products too and I would advise all to beware!
iNourish Beverages Reviews
In June 2015 I was introduced to Eddie Voloshin who stated he was the owner of a water company that infused nano technology modified vitamins into water. I was interested in him bottling a product for me. We signed an NDA and met several times. A year later we met again - June 2016 - and I was ended up investing $90,000 to buy the "Exclusive rights to add any ingredient to water using Nano Technology". A few weeks later at a meeting I was alarmed to see Eddie Voloshin present a "new product" he had been working on. The product I knew was my own formula from the year previously. I advised the CEO of the company that he could NOT use my formulas.
I was told by iNourish (now known as Vitanourish) that they had several products that were ready for market - a caffeine infused in water and a protien. We tried many samples of the protien and flavors and were very excited to get this world first product.
Eddie Voloshin advices us that the nano sized protien was 100% absorbable into the blood stream and that this one product would outsell everything else on the shelf. We were also given a sample of 90g of caffeine in water - we approved both.
Later the next day I took the protein samples out of the fridge to test and noticed large chunks of mold floating thru the bottle. I called Eddy Voloshin immediately and was told that product only had a 24 hour shelf life once opened... The caffeine had also changed - taking on a very bitter smell and taste. I was told the caffeine would not be in the sun at all. I advised iNourish that these items could NOT be sold to the mass public and I wanted to leave the deal as I had lost all confidence. I was finally contacted by Neville Christian, the CEO who assured me he would take care of me. Wow - four months down the track, I am now another $100k down in expenses such as wages for a full staff, a warehouse sitting empty and daily burn rate - but someone was finally goign to look after me. Several days later Neville Christian (or Christian Neville as he likes to call himself) organized a delivery of a new caffeine for me that he has said was made specifically for me. It was delivered in a Smart Water bottle, unlabelled by a woman who had no idea what it was. Assuming it as the 25g of caffeine we had discussed I drank it. An hour later I was on the floor in the middle of a meeting having LSD overdose type symptoms. If I had of been driving I would have been killed. I had been given a massive overdose of caffeine.
Having had enough I messaged the CEO and told him I wanted my money back and that they were the most unprofessional group I had ever worked with. Neville Christian then bombarded me with the most off the wall babblings until after midnight, along with pictures of his oxi scripts. It was a group text and I was abused, slandered, libeled and belitted for hours. Remember that I was the investor of several products that I was told were ready for market - four months had passed and not one product, 100k down in expenses - and I was being violently abused by their CEO for asking for my money back.
I was given a bottle of plain water by Eddy Voloshin and told it was a sample of nano sized caffeine, I was given several bottles of protien that I was told were nano sized protien - a world first. In fact they were bottles with protein blended in them - not nano sized at all. I later confirmed that you CANNOT nano size protien as it is not a singular molecule. I had been lied to, fraudulently sold products that were not what they were stated to be. Now I am facing a lengthy legal battle that will no doubt cost me another 200k to try and get my original money back.
The group continue to look for investors to sell their dodgy products too and I would advise all to beware!