We booked a quadruple room with two double beds and they put us in a single small room with one king bed. They told us there was no availability FOR OUR ORIGINAL PAID BOOKING upon checking in. Today, the "Manager" tells us it's our fault because we didn't ask for what we booked for and told us: "you can do what you want, i don't care!." Thus this review.
Beware when checking in. these guys put you into what saves them money, lie to you and then abuse you subsequently!!!
Howard Johnson St. Augustine/ I-95 Reviews
Absolutely disgusting rip-off hotel and staff!!
We booked a quadruple room with two double beds and they put us in a single small room with one king bed. They told us there was no availability FOR OUR ORIGINAL PAID BOOKING upon checking in. Today, the "Manager" tells us it's our fault because we didn't ask for what we booked for and told us: "you can do what you want, i don't care!." Thus this review.
Beware when checking in. these guys put you into what saves them money, lie to you and then abuse you subsequently!!!