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Hochschild Mining

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Hochschild Mining Reviews

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  • Sep 15, 2016

Lima, July 25, 2016. Eduardo Hochschild is the author and owner of a mining corporation located in various parts of the world. His main objective is to create mining projects no matter what. Among his accomplishments, he claims that he creates "fair treatment" on the locals and indigenous people who happen to be illiterate. However, it is not the case after his construction project managers and former government of the mining sector (MINEM Peru) such as Renzo Bernuy Quiroz have allegedly conned contracts by pressuring locals in Peru to sign land in favor of Eduardo Hochschild PLC, for a measely 80,000 Peruvian soles.

It's not only that Huancute and Casma Palla Palla were affected. But other local towns , who don't have international rights laweyers were able to stop them since they don't know how to read, and the few lawyers and notary public were reported to have been bribed.

United Nations and the International Labour Organization took no action despite different evidences were sent to them so the Peruvian government of Ollanta Humala can do something about it. But Ollanta's administration did nothing.

The Peruvian Supreme Court failed to recognize Casma Palla-Palla lands scheduled for mining by drilling projects. The Indigenous groups took the critical steps to continue legally appealing the transgression. Despite all efforts escalating their grievance on Peruvian courts, Townships appeal were rejected on March 10, 2016 at the hands of Judge "Rita Cecilia Gastanadui Ramirez", (Published on 11-23-2015 Exp: 19968-2015-0-1801-JR-CI-10 Nullification of Acts, 10th Lima Civil Court.)

LaMula newspaper identified bias from the bribed Judge , Rita Cecilia Gastanadui Ramirez due to political ties to congressman Hector Gutierrez Alaluna, who claimed to have delivered supplies and other survival kits that never reached Casma nor other townships. The Indigenous groups are seeking help from international human rights organizations and NGO's in addition to the political parties in Peru such as Mrs. Keiko Fujimori's"Fuerza Popular" along with the newly elected Mr. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Martín Vizcarra's PPK "Peruanos Por Un Kambio".

For the past 3 years, attempts to file lawsuits by the Casma Palla people to legally protect their territories in the Peruvian mountains from threats posed by planned mining research facilities and artificial dams have remained unsuccessful. Political favoritism, nepotism, and legal lobbyism are suspected the mode of operation.

Lame duck Peruvian President Ollanta Humala and Nadine Heredia were concluded to be negligent in recognizing Casma's land rights, as well as their determination to prevent polemic constructions without permission from Indigenous committee leaders. The Caserio-Huancute and Casma PallaPalla are located 10 Kms away from the President and First Lady’s hometowns of Oyolo and Colta - towns that were ignored by the administration despite only appearing for presidential campaigns.

After Casma lost court appeals against Hochschild PLC, sources discovered that lawyer Tomas Rivas, works at the Head Office of Hochschild Mining PLC. and commissioned the lawyer, Renzo Bernuy Quiroz, Head of Community Relations of Inmaculada Project, were responsible for acquiring signatures through intimidation and threats of which was then processed to a Peruvian -Notary office Dr Carmen Ortega Pena in the city of Coracora, to own their lands without legal assistance.

Lastly, from July 11 to 15th of 2016, Hochschild Mining lawyer Renzo Bernuy Quiroz allegedly led several residents to the city of Coracora, to Notary Public Dr Carmen Ortega Pena where he supposedly delivered a compensation of $60,000 to each signer, but the notary refused to give a copy of the signed documents to the ones involved. It was reported by CGP that the rest of the settlers were threatened to sign or their lives' would be at stake, since they would be eventually evicted from their land without receiving anything, who since the beginning of 2016 is working for the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM).

The Overall of this article is for others to know that Eduardo Hochschild has hired dangerous professionals who sneak and exploit the Peruvian legal system to a point were the poor locals cannot fight back due to a lack of knowledge and finances.

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  • Sep 16, 2016

September 15, 2016

The township of Casma Palla palla that is located in Peru (south america) has been affected critically in legal levels that they are unable to financially seek support from human rights lawyers. Alleged con man, Eduardo Hochschild, managed to divert funds that were originally for the people of Casma Palla'Palla and Huancute.

In 2016, the indigenous people of Paucar del Sara'Sarah lost a court appeals against Hochschild and his invasive team of hired policemen. Inside sources discovered that a political lobbyist lawyer , Tomas Rivas, works at the Head Office of Hochschild Mining PLC. and commissioned the lawyer, Renzo Bernuy Quiroz, Head of Community Relations of Inmaculada Project, and were responsible for acquiring signatures through intimidation and threats of which was then processed to a Peruvian -Notary office Dr Carmen Ortega Pena in the city of Coracora, to own their lands without legal assistance.

Hochschild Mining lawyer and supposedly "former" employee of the Peruvian Mining Ministry (Minem) Renzo Bernuy Quiroz allegedly led several residents to the city of Coracora, with the help from Notary Public agent Dr Carmen Ortega Pena where he supposedly delivered a compensation of $60,000 to each signer, but the notary refused to give a copy of the signed documents to the ones involved. Local groups attempted to seek legal appeal but local bribed lawyers have normally received the paid requests from the natives but never did anything to legally proceed and stop the thrifty actions caused by Eduardo Hochschild's legal group. It was reported by local members (redacted) that the rest of the settlers were threatened to sign or their lives' would be at stake, since they would be eventually evicted from their land without receiving anything, who since the beginning of 2016 is working for the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM).

Peruvian media has neglected to publish any articles regarding the indigenous people seeking these evidences to surface.


15 de septiembre 2016

La localidad de Casma Palla Palla que se encuentra en Perú (América del Sur) se ha visto afectada por la crítica en los niveles legales que no son capaces de buscar financieramente el apoyo de abogados de derechos humanos. Presunto estafador, Eduardo Hochschild, logró desviar fondos que originalmente eran para el pueblo de Casma Palla'Palla y Huancute.

En 2016, los indígenas de Paucar del Sara'Sarah perdió una apelación de tribunal contra Hochschild y su equipo invasivo de policías contratados. Fuentes internas descubrieron que un abogado negociador político, Tomas Rivas, trabaja en la oficina central de Hochschild Mining PLC. y encargó al abogado, Renzo Bernuy Quiroz, Jefe de Relaciones con la Comunidad de Proyecto Inmaculada, y fueron responsables de la adquisición de firmas a través de la intimidación y las amenazas de las cuales a continuación se procesó a una oficina -Notary peruano Dr. Carmen Ortega Pena en la ciudad de Coracora, con opción a compra sus tierras sin asistencia legal.

abogado Minera Hochschild y supuestamente "ex" empleado del Ministerio de Minería de Perú (Minem) Renzo Bernuy Quiroz supuestamente llevaron a varios residentes de la ciudad de Coracora, con la ayuda del agente de Notario Público Dr. Carmen Ortega Peña, donde supuestamente entregó una compensación de $ 60.000 a cada firmante, pero el notario se negó a entregar una copia de los documentos firmados a los involucrados. Los grupos locales intentaron buscar la apelación legal pero los abogados locales sobornados normalmente han recibido las solicitudes de pago de los nativos, pero nunca hicieron nada para continuar y detener las acciones causadas por ahorrativos grupo jurídico de Eduardo Hochschild legalmente. Se informó por miembros locales (redactado) que el resto de los colonos fueron amenazados para firmar o sus vidas estarían en juego, ya que serían finalmente desalojados de sus tierras sin recibir nada, que desde el comienzo de 2016 está trabajando para el Ministerio de Energía y Minas (MINEM).

prensa peruana (Rpp, Caretas, Utec, Telenoticias, Canal N, PPK, Humala) ha descuidado a publicar ningún artículo en relación con los indígenas que habían solicitado estas evidencias que sean publicadas.

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