Do not buy from them. They will charge you $96 or more for a bottle that is $19.99 at Walmart. They start me offering a free trail for $6.99 and say you can cancel within 7 days which normally wouid mean 7 days from tnt day it arrives but they do not give in account shipping days. I texted on day 7 after I ordere it because I saw they charged me $96.00 for a $19.99 bottle they sell at Walmart. I sent 5 emails and not one time did they respond. They obviously are okay with you going through the trouble of calling your bank and filing a claim. My hunch is they will be assuming a different name and keep doing this.
Healthify Boost Reviews
Do not buy from them. They will charge you $96 or more for a bottle that is $19.99 at Walmart. They start me offering a free trail for $6.99 and say you can cancel within 7 days which normally wouid mean 7 days from tnt day it arrives but they do not give in account shipping days. I texted on day 7 after I ordere it because I saw they charged me $96.00 for a $19.99 bottle they sell at Walmart. I sent 5 emails and not one time did they respond. They obviously are okay with you going through the trouble of calling your bank and filing a claim. My hunch is they will be assuming a different name and keep doing this.