His Ads are all Clickbaity promising to reveal a secret and relying on unproven medical theories used by other conspirators, like Leaky gut syndrome. Do yourself a favor, save an hour of hard sales, and skip the gundry product. Yes, he is a real doctor, but I think he got caught up in the money for the supplements industry. Go back to real science Steven. Bought one of his supplements, doesnt work
Gundry Steven Reviews
His Ads are all Clickbaity promising to reveal a secret and relying on unproven medical theories used by other conspirators, like Leaky gut syndrome. Do yourself a favor, save an hour of hard sales, and skip the gundry product. Yes, he is a real doctor, but I think he got caught up in the money for the supplements industry. Go back to real science Steven. Bought one of his supplements, doesnt work