Fcaebook posting offered a free T-shirt just had to pay shipping. Once they have your credit card you are then charged a RECURRING monthly charge of $97. There was no memtion of the membership on the page to order the shirt. It is however at the very bottom of their webpage. They say you can cancel at any time, but the emails available continually are returned as undeliverable. No phone number, nothing.
Just a phony email that doesn't work. That Facebook page is now gone but the charges keep coming every month. Credit card company was no help. They canceled my old card and issued me a new card and new number and the charges of $97 just come back.
Gun Owners of America Reviews
Fcaebook posting offered a free T-shirt just had to pay shipping. Once they have your credit card you are then charged a RECURRING monthly charge of $97. There was no memtion of the membership on the page to order the shirt. It is however at the very bottom of their webpage. They say you can cancel at any time, but the emails available continually are returned as undeliverable. No phone number, nothing.
Just a phony email that doesn't work. That Facebook page is now gone but the charges keep coming every month. Credit card company was no help. They canceled my old card and issued me a new card and new number and the charges of $97 just come back.