This is an extermemly preditory company! They prey on small businesses to provide them with Point Of Sale machines for processing credit card transations, their fees are ridiclous, they will never upgrade your equipment and they force you to sign a 5 year contract, which if you go out of business or decide you don't want they force you to buy out for Thousands of dollars and still want the computer returned. The limitations of the contract, including the termination buyout are never disclosed.After my small business went bankrupt I called to return the machine, at which point I was told I owed them $1200.00 in additional monthly fees and had to return the antioquated (windows xp) computer I was given when we started. Save yourself the headache and go with ** for your Credit Card Processing, much cheaper in the short and long term!
Gulf Coast Merchant Services LLC Reviews
This is an extermemly preditory company! They prey on small businesses to provide them with Point Of Sale machines for processing credit card transations, their fees are ridiclous, they will never upgrade your equipment and they force you to sign a 5 year contract, which if you go out of business or decide you don't want they force you to buy out for Thousands of dollars and still want the computer returned. The limitations of the contract, including the termination buyout are never disclosed.After my small business went bankrupt I called to return the machine, at which point I was told I owed them $1200.00 in additional monthly fees and had to return the antioquated (windows xp) computer I was given when we started. Save yourself the headache and go with ** for your Credit Card Processing, much cheaper in the short and long term!