Grand Medina Orlando, Florida and its affliate, Everest Development Group Prior are professional fradusters. Prior to doing business with them, have a lawyer do an in depth search. Buyer be ware. This company is managed by a group of professional scam artists who have bilked thousands of innocent Canadians and are now trying to target vulunerable individuals in the U.S and elsewhere. None of what they claim is actually true, be that projects completed in the past or at the present. additionally, they have been the subject of successful prosecution for fraud in the Canadian courts for pepetrating various crimes. Zafir Rashid, the CEO and founder of both these entities is a well known Canadian fraudster
and scam artist. Please follow these links to establish the facts:
Grand Medina Resort & Spa Orlando Reviews
Grand Medina Orlando, Florida and its affliate, Everest Development Group Prior are professional fradusters. Prior to doing business with them, have a lawyer do an in depth search. Buyer be ware. This company is managed by a group of professional scam artists who have bilked thousands of innocent Canadians and are now trying to target vulunerable individuals in the U.S and elsewhere. None of what they claim is actually true, be that projects completed in the past or at the present. additionally, they have been the subject of successful prosecution for fraud in the Canadian courts for pepetrating various crimes. Zafir Rashid, the CEO and founder of both these entities is a well known Canadian fraudster
and scam artist. Please follow these links to establish the facts: