Where is the money that you deceived our Naive and Cult-following mother into handing over to you? That money was for her children. Where is the money from so many innocent families whose lives you destroyed and deceived and conned into giving you their money? You so smoothly manipulated these families while mind-controlling the mothers and falsely declaring that they must "obey" and be submissive along with other false, sexist and ignorant doctrine that is unbelievably pathetic. It is just too obvious to an educated person how demented this IFB 'doctrine' that gets spoon fed and then shoved down the throats of the gullible mothers and then to their children. This Church was started by E. Asato around 1975. He came from Oahu and set his sights on the island of Maui after being fully indoctrinated by the IFB [Independent Fundamentalist Baptist] Church Cult Leaders. He immediately started his Mind-Control Techniques after landing on Maui and convincing some of the most gullible people [especially uneducated women and mothers] who were hungry for answers to all of the issues they had in their own lives, and this guy made a quick assessment of whom to convince and manipulate based on both their personal problems and their personal financial ability to fund his new Cult, or "Church." It was obvious to many of the CHILDREN, whose parents took on the persona of Cult-addicted, dazed and controlled Robots, that the FALSE DOCTRINES were clearly foolish Bible misinterpretations and made zero sense and were even Ludicrus. Children were beaten with wooden spoons, paddles, batons, or any other harmful weapon to whip them. Their pants and underwear were removed and they were whipped [or "spanked"] continually and like a Chinese Water Drip Torture, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam... until their "Will" was "Broken." This is IFB to the core of its rotten and corrupted Doctrine. This is ALSO a mind-control technique. You would hear your classmates screaming and wailing in horrific pain as they are tortured for minor infractions like giggling or even walking over a flower bed or other nonsensical reasons to just take control of an innocent child's body. The fear was so heavy you could feel it like a dark storm that never ends. Asato opened a Church "School" for the children to be tyrannically abused almost 7 days a week and not just to be tortured with several HOURS and HOURS late into the night on Sundays of never-ending Sermons that made no sense and music that never ended. This is also part of the "conditioning" in mind-control of the IFB. The most wretched thing about this is that so many children were tortured and damaged emotionally, spiritually, physically, and their Identities were crushed in the most formative and important growth periods of the human brain. The low self worth that lingered into the future lives of ALL the innocent Children who were subjected to this is part of the plan in the IFB, because they must Control and ultimately overtake your entire Identity and kill your inner peace, worthiness, and determination as an INDIVIDUAL. God forbid you learn to think for yourself.... This is the sure-sign of a Cult. .......AND THIS MIND CONTROL AND PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL ABUSE IS THE DARKEST CRIME THAT THERE IS ON THIS EARTH BECAUSE IT IS A CRIME AGAINST GOD HIMSELF AND IT IS THE ANTITHESIS OF WHAT FOLLOWING CHRIST IS SUPPOSED TO MANIFEST....... IT IS A GROSS, EGREGIOUS, ASSININE AND WARMONGERING CRIMINAL SYNIDCATE OF ABUSE OF UNDESERVED POWER OVER THE MOST INNOCENT IN SOCIETY. And many of the IFB Churches throughout the USA have had their leaders and other abusers prosecuted and CONVICTED. Many are serving long, LIFE sentences behind bars for their crimes. But Hawaii is a different story as it is so corrupted and nobody really cares about children or Justice for that matter. Imagine, if you can, being beaten on your bare bottom and it never ends. It is a torture that is difficult to describe in its scope because the pain and the enlongated, never-ending, assiduous, angry beatings are so horrific that no God would ever sanction that Satanic, Ritualistic Abuse. It is called "RA" in the Court System and is a well known torture technique. Mr. Asato taught this to the undeducated, gullible women [who were also taught to be submissive themselves]. The twisted doctrine is that Children are born into a sinful world and are just prone to sinful anything-and-everything and MUST have the devil beaten out of them as a result. Look at the stupidity of this logic. They will also misquote, so laughably if it was not so tragic, the Old Testament book of Proverbs 13 to "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child" is misinterpreted because no one in the IFB understands how to properly read Literature that has been translated from the Eastern Philosophy into the Western Philosophy. Dumb and Dumber are at the helm of the IFB, no doubt. What the "Rod" represents, you knuckleheads, is the metal rod pointer in the COMPASS! It is to show the right direction, the correct way, and the pathway that is right and Godly to bring forth an honorable and wise life ....... and NOT to take a weapon to ritualistically, continually, and sadistically beat your children with! IFB is led by both ignorance, Demonic deception, hatred of human self-determination [Satan himself is at the helm of this], and sexual deviance/dysfunction that manifests as Sexist and demoralizing. To boot, they want your money. They will beguil and cajole and manipulate and use every guilt-ridden, mind control technique to control you into doing for THEM what is best for THEM. In my case and the case of my personal family, they stole a divorce settlement in 1977 that was meant for an uneducated mother to provide for her children. The Judge should have been informed to put all settlements into a Trust that is only distributed under a Structured Settlement basis to prevent this outright robbery from transacting. But our mother, a sadistic individual herself that is a prime target for any and all false Prophets and Doctrines, was duped into giving what should have been for us into handing over our family money to Mr. Asato in what can only be termed as a Wealth Transfer to line his own pockets and put shoes on his own children's feet and become comfortable for the first time in his life all the while never thinking of the innocent children whom he robbed and whose lives were upended and left with nothing. This all happened at Maui Bible Church in the 1970's. I would like to see other Victims come forward, and I would be more than happy to be a Witness on any Case against this Wretched, Narcissistic, Greedy, Abusive, Manipulative group of Thieves.
Grace Bible Church Maui Reviews
Where is the money that you deceived our Naive and Cult-following mother into handing over to you? That money was for her children. Where is the money from so many innocent families whose lives you destroyed and deceived and conned into giving you their money? You so smoothly manipulated these families while mind-controlling the mothers and falsely declaring that they must "obey" and be submissive along with other false, sexist and ignorant doctrine that is unbelievably pathetic. It is just too obvious to an educated person how demented this IFB 'doctrine' that gets spoon fed and then shoved down the throats of the gullible mothers and then to their children. This Church was started by E. Asato around 1975. He came from Oahu and set his sights on the island of Maui after being fully indoctrinated by the IFB [Independent Fundamentalist Baptist] Church Cult Leaders. He immediately started his Mind-Control Techniques after landing on Maui and convincing some of the most gullible people [especially uneducated women and mothers] who were hungry for answers to all of the issues they had in their own lives, and this guy made a quick assessment of whom to convince and manipulate based on both their personal problems and their personal financial ability to fund his new Cult, or "Church." It was obvious to many of the CHILDREN, whose parents took on the persona of Cult-addicted, dazed and controlled Robots, that the FALSE DOCTRINES were clearly foolish Bible misinterpretations and made zero sense and were even Ludicrus. Children were beaten with wooden spoons, paddles, batons, or any other harmful weapon to whip them. Their pants and underwear were removed and they were whipped [or "spanked"] continually and like a Chinese Water Drip Torture, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam... until their "Will" was "Broken." This is IFB to the core of its rotten and corrupted Doctrine. This is ALSO a mind-control technique. You would hear your classmates screaming and wailing in horrific pain as they are tortured for minor infractions like giggling or even walking over a flower bed or other nonsensical reasons to just take control of an innocent child's body. The fear was so heavy you could feel it like a dark storm that never ends. Asato opened a Church "School" for the children to be tyrannically abused almost 7 days a week and not just to be tortured with several HOURS and HOURS late into the night on Sundays of never-ending Sermons that made no sense and music that never ended. This is also part of the "conditioning" in mind-control of the IFB. The most wretched thing about this is that so many children were tortured and damaged emotionally, spiritually, physically, and their Identities were crushed in the most formative and important growth periods of the human brain. The low self worth that lingered into the future lives of ALL the innocent Children who were subjected to this is part of the plan in the IFB, because they must Control and ultimately overtake your entire Identity and kill your inner peace, worthiness, and determination as an INDIVIDUAL. God forbid you learn to think for yourself.... This is the sure-sign of a Cult. .......AND THIS MIND CONTROL AND PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL ABUSE IS THE DARKEST CRIME THAT THERE IS ON THIS EARTH BECAUSE IT IS A CRIME AGAINST GOD HIMSELF AND IT IS THE ANTITHESIS OF WHAT FOLLOWING CHRIST IS SUPPOSED TO MANIFEST....... IT IS A GROSS, EGREGIOUS, ASSININE AND WARMONGERING CRIMINAL SYNIDCATE OF ABUSE OF UNDESERVED POWER OVER THE MOST INNOCENT IN SOCIETY. And many of the IFB Churches throughout the USA have had their leaders and other abusers prosecuted and CONVICTED. Many are serving long, LIFE sentences behind bars for their crimes. But Hawaii is a different story as it is so corrupted and nobody really cares about children or Justice for that matter. Imagine, if you can, being beaten on your bare bottom and it never ends. It is a torture that is difficult to describe in its scope because the pain and the enlongated, never-ending, assiduous, angry beatings are so horrific that no God would ever sanction that Satanic, Ritualistic Abuse. It is called "RA" in the Court System and is a well known torture technique. Mr. Asato taught this to the undeducated, gullible women [who were also taught to be submissive themselves]. The twisted doctrine is that Children are born into a sinful world and are just prone to sinful anything-and-everything and MUST have the devil beaten out of them as a result. Look at the stupidity of this logic. They will also misquote, so laughably if it was not so tragic, the Old Testament book of Proverbs 13 to "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child" is misinterpreted because no one in the IFB understands how to properly read Literature that has been translated from the Eastern Philosophy into the Western Philosophy. Dumb and Dumber are at the helm of the IFB, no doubt. What the "Rod" represents, you knuckleheads, is the metal rod pointer in the COMPASS! It is to show the right direction, the correct way, and the pathway that is right and Godly to bring forth an honorable and wise life ....... and NOT to take a weapon to ritualistically, continually, and sadistically beat your children with! IFB is led by both ignorance, Demonic deception, hatred of human self-determination [Satan himself is at the helm of this], and sexual deviance/dysfunction that manifests as Sexist and demoralizing. To boot, they want your money. They will beguil and cajole and manipulate and use every guilt-ridden, mind control technique to control you into doing for THEM what is best for THEM. In my case and the case of my personal family, they stole a divorce settlement in 1977 that was meant for an uneducated mother to provide for her children. The Judge should have been informed to put all settlements into a Trust that is only distributed under a Structured Settlement basis to prevent this outright robbery from transacting. But our mother, a sadistic individual herself that is a prime target for any and all false Prophets and Doctrines, was duped into giving what should have been for us into handing over our family money to Mr. Asato in what can only be termed as a Wealth Transfer to line his own pockets and put shoes on his own children's feet and become comfortable for the first time in his life all the while never thinking of the innocent children whom he robbed and whose lives were upended and left with nothing. This all happened at Maui Bible Church in the 1970's. I would like to see other Victims come forward, and I would be more than happy to be a Witness on any Case against this Wretched, Narcissistic, Greedy, Abusive, Manipulative group of Thieves.