Tony smith from good wood fuel, ireland also known as premium seasoned wood are complete scam and fraud !!!
I paid him in advance 1200 eur for kiln dried firewood and i was robbed by him because i did not get a scam fraud tony smith goodwood fuel ireland uk drogheda
Do not pay him in adavance, never pay such people in advance.
I lost 1200 eur.
There are two another gentlemen in my area that were robbed by him !!!
GoodWood Fuel Reviews
Tony smith from good wood fuel, ireland also known as premium seasoned wood are complete scam and fraud !!!
I paid him in advance 1200 eur for kiln dried firewood and i was robbed by him because i did not get a scam fraud tony smith goodwood fuel ireland uk drogheda
Do not pay him in adavance, never pay such people in advance.
I lost 1200 eur.
There are two another gentlemen in my area that were robbed by him !!!
Be aware !!!
Contact me for eveidences
The contacts of this scammer are :
Web address:
Tel. : +353/ 876695984
Email: [email protected]