My son was in their youth program ( yes) he was suspose to get soft skills in employment services all they did was show him how to code , sort, and haul books . he was suspose to get taught how to fill out apps , and resumees amd mock job interviews they did none of that . after 2 plus years of working there he developed carpel tunnel after the school year ended they removed him from the "job" said the program had ended , funny it was to be from 16 thru 24 he had just turned 19 , they never taught him any skills to use in any other jobs nor taught him basic job find skills . they said he was hired through the school but goodwill wrote his checks , filed his w2,, and used his services and status as a severly disabled for their program .
so im asking just what were they to give him in return , even though through the school he was hired by said company they should be held accountable for not teaching him . oh and the carple tunnel they never filed and he was let go for no reason after working for them for almost 3 years and no holiday pay no insurance no overtime , no room for advancement all are told they will advance if work hard enough but if they advance goodwill looses the serverly disabled status for them they keep them where they were hired at so they dont loose that status . 75% of the workers are suspose to be severly disabled not even half are and as far as i know not ONCE were any of them contracted out for work that goodwill is being given money for .
so lets see they get the disabled to work for pennies on the dollar , * goodwill gets reembersed for it and they get millions given to them yearly for contracts? oh lets not forget ANY money they get is tax free and yet they still beg for donations to help the community they claim to help did you know NOT 1 penny comes from their coffers yet they get to say they did a good job . i remember when whole families were given mittens and shoes at mitten and shoe parties now it is the kid has to have a ticket and they get shoes and mitten and candy cane and ALL donated not 1 cent from goodwill . but i see thousands still donating to them because they assume they do good work have any of you gone in and seen the GOOD WORK for yourselves , you would be surprised. not only are the ones labeled " hard to work with " are placed in back room and alone over 50% of the time .
my kid left ( he was 17 at the time ) and no one knew it till they called me and asked * my kid was home but they never knew till they discovered he was missing *. that happened from time he started till he was let go , * he is autistic* .. but hey not their responsibility to make sure he got home or to find out why he left? just telling it like it is please DO NOT let your autistic young adult or child into these greedy users they will make sure your child will get no where in life .
we all want our children taught basic life skills and soft job skills GOODWILL is not for teaching your child , or any disabled for that matter disabled want off disability or ssi they want to make a diffrence in their community BUT corporate run places like goodwill do not i repete do not want our disabled people to get anywhere in life if they do then the corporate looses the labor , why help the disabled make something of themselves when left down where they belong we can make money off it. disabled want to pay taxes and have a desent pay check but to do that goodwill would have to pay them a desent wage and the fat cats would have to give up their 3/4 of million pay.
Goodwill of the Great Plains Reviews
My son was in their youth program ( yes) he was suspose to get soft skills in employment services all they did was show him how to code , sort, and haul books . he was suspose to get taught how to fill out apps , and resumees amd mock job interviews they did none of that . after 2 plus years of working there he developed carpel tunnel after the school year ended they removed him from the "job" said the program had ended , funny it was to be from 16 thru 24 he had just turned 19 , they never taught him any skills to use in any other jobs nor taught him basic job find skills . they said he was hired through the school but goodwill wrote his checks , filed his w2,, and used his services and status as a severly disabled for their program .
so im asking just what were they to give him in return , even though through the school he was hired by said company they should be held accountable for not teaching him . oh and the carple tunnel they never filed and he was let go for no reason after working for them for almost 3 years and no holiday pay no insurance no overtime , no room for advancement all are told they will advance if work hard enough but if they advance goodwill looses the serverly disabled status for them they keep them where they were hired at so they dont loose that status . 75% of the workers are suspose to be severly disabled not even half are and as far as i know not ONCE were any of them contracted out for work that goodwill is being given money for .
so lets see they get the disabled to work for pennies on the dollar , * goodwill gets reembersed for it and they get millions given to them yearly for contracts? oh lets not forget ANY money they get is tax free and yet they still beg for donations to help the community they claim to help did you know NOT 1 penny comes from their coffers yet they get to say they did a good job . i remember when whole families were given mittens and shoes at mitten and shoe parties now it is the kid has to have a ticket and they get shoes and mitten and candy cane and ALL donated not 1 cent from goodwill . but i see thousands still donating to them because they assume they do good work have any of you gone in and seen the GOOD WORK for yourselves , you would be surprised. not only are the ones labeled " hard to work with " are placed in back room and alone over 50% of the time .
my kid left ( he was 17 at the time ) and no one knew it till they called me and asked * my kid was home but they never knew till they discovered he was missing *. that happened from time he started till he was let go , * he is autistic* .. but hey not their responsibility to make sure he got home or to find out why he left? just telling it like it is please DO NOT let your autistic young adult or child into these greedy users they will make sure your child will get no where in life .
we all want our children taught basic life skills and soft job skills GOODWILL is not for teaching your child , or any disabled for that matter disabled want off disability or ssi they want to make a diffrence in their community BUT corporate run places like goodwill do not i repete do not want our disabled people to get anywhere in life if they do then the corporate looses the labor , why help the disabled make something of themselves when left down where they belong we can make money off it. disabled want to pay taxes and have a desent pay check but to do that goodwill would have to pay them a desent wage and the fat cats would have to give up their 3/4 of million pay.