They provide you with the cost and before the order can be place they ask for your credit card number and state they will provide an invoice by email. The quoted price is not what they charge your credit card and they do not provide the invoice prior to charging your card. I still do not have an invoice that states what was charge, but the product has already been shipped. After phoning to inquire what I was billed for again I was told can invoice would be mailed to me. The own was very unconcern with the dissatification I voiced in how this was handled. And did not care if I remained a customer or not. I was over charged and lied to about how the process would proceed.
Global Caster Corporation Reviews
They provide you with the cost and before the order can be place they ask for your credit card number and state they will provide an invoice by email. The quoted price is not what they charge your credit card and they do not provide the invoice prior to charging your card. I still do not have an invoice that states what was charge, but the product has already been shipped. After phoning to inquire what I was billed for again I was told can invoice would be mailed to me. The own was very unconcern with the dissatification I voiced in how this was handled. And did not care if I remained a customer or not. I was over charged and lied to about how the process would proceed.