Sellers do yourself a favor the second you see this hick come into your online store get rid of him immediately. He is the biggest lying **** around. He will buy things from your online store and start his lying fraud tactics. This theif will contact his credit card company a week after buying the item and lie about every single thing he can get his 1 IQ brain into.
He will make up a fraud delivery date on same day he legally signs documents, he will continue his lies saying there was no way to contact you, when he goes to your support site numerous times in 2 days, he will continue his lies saying he doenst know what the transaction was about, when you have 6 pages of signed documents by this loser. This loser will cut and paste URLs of the same product from someone else's wesbite and say its your store, the list of lies go on and on this this thief.
We had enough with idiots like him and Gallimore we already started filing criminal charges against you. 65 year old its pathetic of what you do, 65 years old acting like some teenage thug. You will be seeing jail bars soon enough!
George Gallimore Reviews
Sellers do yourself a favor the second you see this hick come into your online store get rid of him immediately. He is the biggest lying **** around. He will buy things from your online store and start his lying fraud tactics. This theif will contact his credit card company a week after buying the item and lie about every single thing he can get his 1 IQ brain into.
He will make up a fraud delivery date on same day he legally signs documents, he will continue his lies saying there was no way to contact you, when he goes to your support site numerous times in 2 days, he will continue his lies saying he doenst know what the transaction was about, when you have 6 pages of signed documents by this loser. This loser will cut and paste URLs of the same product from someone else's wesbite and say its your store, the list of lies go on and on this this thief.
We had enough with idiots like him and Gallimore we already started filing criminal charges against you. 65 year old its pathetic of what you do, 65 years old acting like some teenage thug. You will be seeing jail bars soon enough!