I took some wheels and tires to them to mount and after returning home and putting on vehcile, they were out of balance. I looked carefully, and it seemed odd, but the old balancers were still on there. I took them back and they refused to rebalance them. Still puzzled, I took them to another firm down the road, who rebalance them and they said the balancers should have been put on inside. The second shop fixed the problem of the first shop. I didnt really care about the extra 20 bucks, but the time and hassle of it. When i discovered the unbalanced tires I had to cancel appointments with 2 buyers for the truck that would have netted me more than 7k profit. Their screwup was very expensive for me. I wont be returning there again, but to boot, Im not even out the extra 20 bucks cause the second shop is cheaper to mount tires in the future. At least their balancer is calibrated.
Gaston Tire and Towing Reviews
I took some wheels and tires to them to mount and after returning home and putting on vehcile, they were out of balance. I looked carefully, and it seemed odd, but the old balancers were still on there. I took them back and they refused to rebalance them. Still puzzled, I took them to another firm down the road, who rebalance them and they said the balancers should have been put on inside. The second shop fixed the problem of the first shop. I didnt really care about the extra 20 bucks, but the time and hassle of it. When i discovered the unbalanced tires I had to cancel appointments with 2 buyers for the truck that would have netted me more than 7k profit. Their screwup was very expensive for me. I wont be returning there again, but to boot, Im not even out the extra 20 bucks cause the second shop is cheaper to mount tires in the future. At least their balancer is calibrated.