[email protected] ; Fuel scam alert is a scam! website www.fuelscamalert.com this is a website that will not list people who file fake information on your company. fuel scam alert is a Russian company trying to explorer the way to make company pay money to get you off there list. this website should be taken down and to sue this company you would have to go to Moscow Russia. do not do business with them or use there site for real information. I got up this morning and see that my company was posted as a scam company. and lied about everything. Aubrey Texas USA
[email protected] ; Fuel scam alert is a scam! website www.fuelscamalert.com this is a website that will not list people who file fake information on your company. fuel scam alert is a Russian company trying to explorer the way to make company pay money to get you off there list. this website should be taken down and to sue this company you would have to go to Moscow Russia. do not do business with them or use there site for real information. I got up this morning and see that my company was posted as a scam company. and lied about everything. Aubrey Texas USA