Franklin Philatelics is a total and complete fraud! Do Not invest with these people. They should be put in Jail! I can't believe they are still around. Sold me some worthless stamps way back in 2003. I know, I was suckered by a con man who called himself Charles Williams. By the way, the stamps are still worthless! If they call you about anything, report them and do not give them any money, credit card or whatever. Run Away Fast!!!
Franklin Philatelics, LLC Reviews
Franklin Philatelics is a total and complete fraud! Do Not invest with these people. They should be put in Jail! I can't believe they are still around. Sold me some worthless stamps way back in 2003. I know, I was suckered by a con man who called himself Charles Williams. By the way, the stamps are still worthless! If they call you about anything, report them and do not give them any money, credit card or whatever. Run Away Fast!!!