This is not a loan company. It is debt consolidation. But they get offended when you ask them. They are not honest in communicating risks with this program and they hold a carrot of a loan after 4-6 months. Below is an email I received from their rep. I don't usually post reviews, but the attitude is what I am posting about. Do not expect good service at all. You can decide who you want to deal with, but this guy when you question anything lands with this type of response.
Lol here goes bozo the clown. Have a good one buddy. It's hilarious that you can yourself a piece of crap in your own email lol. Your unconscious mind knows you are a waste of skin
Franklin Funding Services Reviews
This is not a loan company. It is debt consolidation. But they get offended when you ask them. They are not honest in communicating risks with this program and they hold a carrot of a loan after 4-6 months. Below is an email I received from their rep. I don't usually post reviews, but the attitude is what I am posting about. Do not expect good service at all. You can decide who you want to deal with, but this guy when you question anything lands with this type of response.
Julio Ferreras [email protected]
Lol here goes bozo the clown. Have a good one buddy. It's hilarious that you can yourself a piece of crap in your own email lol. Your unconscious mind knows you are a waste of skin
Direct Line: 781-715-1524
Office: 888-660-6832
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST) Mon-Fri
Email: [email protected]