All facts written here are facts that were submitted to a court of law in Ontario and the Landlord Tenant Board and can be verified open to the public.
Frances Bowles is around the age of 50 and resides in Oakville Ontario. She currently resides at 3308 Skipton Lane in oakville which she is renting a home via a real estate agent. The real estate agent does not know that she is renting the basement unit and she is not authorized to rent it. She has done this on several occasions previously with different home owners. She will list the tenants who are targetted to be new young tenants or students as her "step children".
It's apparent Frances has a drinking problem, she was previously arrested in the past for criminal assault and Mischeif under $5,000 and failing to appear at court. (Google Halton Gazette - Halton police sweep March 14, 2014)
In a previous occasion, a woman who use to reside with Frances reports that Frances assaulted her on two occasions by pushing her and yelling at her, another time by thowing a water bottle at her.
Another reports that Frances used a cleaning acid mixed with water contained inside a water bottle and threw it on her face. Another incident reported on the internet says Frances tried to light their dog on fire by putting a fuel on it.
In this matter, we are reporting similar behaviours. Frances has committed an assault against us, damaged our property, and poured hot water on our pet snakes when we weren't home. She illegally entered our unit doing so. Since we have left and filed a complaint in the Landlord Tenant Baord in Ontario, Frances has became obessed with us calling us almost every other night harassing us at midnight and making death threats. The calls are so disturbing that you can't go back to sleep.
It all started when we asked her for a reciept of our rent payments as she frequently said we owed her money when we paid her. We wanted her to give us a receipt for her "Required cash only payment" with her to sign and date it and she refused to do such thing. She then increased our rent as a form of punishment and demanded we be evicted wihtin 2 weeks after her notice. She said if we use the 2 weeks notice we will have to pay $200 a day for each day we stayed, this of course, complely in contravention of the Residential Tenancies Act in Ontario.
Frances Bowles of Oakville is on social assistance and is not reporting her extra income, this is why she wants cash only and never deposites the cash into her bank account. She drives a white kia with a plate ending in 543.
If you are reading this, I would like to warn you about Frances. She has a criminal history of assaulting people and intentionally damaging their property. She did this to a home owner when she was to return the key, she broke in the house and assaulted the home owner and slashed her tires. She light a dog on fire and poured hot water on OUR pet snakes, which resulted in one dying. The police don't seem to be motivated to deal with her as it was uttered to us that she is a frequent caller and the police are ALWAYS dealing with Frances who just ends up in a hospital later being released from a psychologist 24 hours later.
Gaurd your pets, keep them away from her, get a receipt from her always, get EVERYTHING from her in writing do not make any verbal agreements. Save every single text message and call log you have. Protect you most valubles and vehicles as she is known to joy ride under a suspended DUI license, she will say that you gave her permission and produce a fake permission letter with your signature on it. Put it in writing that you do not authorize her every to enter your space or take your vehicles. Talk to the neighbours because she is strange enough to approch them and tell them strange things.
Home owners if your are reading this, or real estate agents, PLEASE consider the above and verify all of this in court records as they are there. Pay attention to any document stating that she has step children living with her, this is where she commits fraud, make her understand she has no authorization to sublease or rent out the home. Make frequent visits as previous home owners have reported damage to the home with holes in the wall when she gets violents, broken glass fixtures and doors. Watch her and talk to the neighbours.
Frances Bowles Reviews
All facts written here are facts that were submitted to a court of law in Ontario and the Landlord Tenant Board and can be verified open to the public.
Frances Bowles is around the age of 50 and resides in Oakville Ontario. She currently resides at 3308 Skipton Lane in oakville which she is renting a home via a real estate agent. The real estate agent does not know that she is renting the basement unit and she is not authorized to rent it. She has done this on several occasions previously with different home owners. She will list the tenants who are targetted to be new young tenants or students as her "step children".
It's apparent Frances has a drinking problem, she was previously arrested in the past for criminal assault and Mischeif under $5,000 and failing to appear at court. (Google Halton Gazette - Halton police sweep March 14, 2014)
In a previous occasion, a woman who use to reside with Frances reports that Frances assaulted her on two occasions by pushing her and yelling at her, another time by thowing a water bottle at her.
Another reports that Frances used a cleaning acid mixed with water contained inside a water bottle and threw it on her face. Another incident reported on the internet says Frances tried to light their dog on fire by putting a fuel on it.
In this matter, we are reporting similar behaviours. Frances has committed an assault against us, damaged our property, and poured hot water on our pet snakes when we weren't home. She illegally entered our unit doing so. Since we have left and filed a complaint in the Landlord Tenant Baord in Ontario, Frances has became obessed with us calling us almost every other night harassing us at midnight and making death threats. The calls are so disturbing that you can't go back to sleep.
It all started when we asked her for a reciept of our rent payments as she frequently said we owed her money when we paid her. We wanted her to give us a receipt for her "Required cash only payment" with her to sign and date it and she refused to do such thing. She then increased our rent as a form of punishment and demanded we be evicted wihtin 2 weeks after her notice. She said if we use the 2 weeks notice we will have to pay $200 a day for each day we stayed, this of course, complely in contravention of the Residential Tenancies Act in Ontario.
Frances Bowles of Oakville is on social assistance and is not reporting her extra income, this is why she wants cash only and never deposites the cash into her bank account. She drives a white kia with a plate ending in 543.
If you are reading this, I would like to warn you about Frances. She has a criminal history of assaulting people and intentionally damaging their property. She did this to a home owner when she was to return the key, she broke in the house and assaulted the home owner and slashed her tires. She light a dog on fire and poured hot water on OUR pet snakes, which resulted in one dying. The police don't seem to be motivated to deal with her as it was uttered to us that she is a frequent caller and the police are ALWAYS dealing with Frances who just ends up in a hospital later being released from a psychologist 24 hours later.
Gaurd your pets, keep them away from her, get a receipt from her always, get EVERYTHING from her in writing do not make any verbal agreements. Save every single text message and call log you have. Protect you most valubles and vehicles as she is known to joy ride under a suspended DUI license, she will say that you gave her permission and produce a fake permission letter with your signature on it. Put it in writing that you do not authorize her every to enter your space or take your vehicles. Talk to the neighbours because she is strange enough to approch them and tell them strange things.
Home owners if your are reading this, or real estate agents, PLEASE consider the above and verify all of this in court records as they are there. Pay attention to any document stating that she has step children living with her, this is where she commits fraud, make her understand she has no authorization to sublease or rent out the home. Make frequent visits as previous home owners have reported damage to the home with holes in the wall when she gets violents, broken glass fixtures and doors. Watch her and talk to the neighbours.