Andreal michelle franchi first contacted michael on facebook messenger about the foxies fund group on face book using her dog daisy to collect funds from without her consent to do so. The dog daisy was a client or ryan thomas owner of freeanimaldoctor.Org
Https://www.Freeanimaldoctor.Org/projects/daisy-was-hit-by-a-car-broken-pelvis/ this link shows this is proof, michael sent screen shots to andreal of the posting of her dog, she also said she was contacting facebook and police of the scam, we have evidence of this chat in messenger on facebook and a phone record of michael and andreal phone call, because a neighbor of mike's was also hearing the conversation between the two, he will witness this, we will not discuss who he works for but his reputation is outstanding in the line of work he does, a day later andreal seem to change he mind about foxies fund and soon was also involved in the fraud scheme, first art smith a admin used her pet to collect bogus funds on and when she was caught contacted andreal and paid her off the keep her mouth shut about what happen, we have all this evidence and if andreal wants challenge this we will be more than happy to take her on, because she double dipped on funds for her injured pet making her a fraud as well, this is a felon crime to do this & we can prove she steped into the crime that occurred on her dog daisy taking a pay off by the foxies fund inc & foxies fund facebook group, you can not change facebook chat between people, michael also talk to ryan thomas in messenger and over the phone about this fraud that took place, so for andreal this is a heads up, michael's neighbor heard every bit of you two conversation and you will play hell & high water proving this person as a liar, you art smith, randy boles & dominick tambone are criminals this can be proven be on a doubt, there is screen shots from facebook messenger, phone records & a witness to this matter of fraud that occurred. Foxies fund has been involved in many other bogus fraud collection schemes that can be uprooted & proven the bunch is very shady. Our advise don't donate or trust art smith real name beverly murphy, dominick tambone, randy boles also known as gillian algoode, kelly scott sandusky or wise karen know as karen wise
Foxies Fund Inc. Reviews
Andreal michelle franchi first contacted michael on facebook messenger about the foxies fund group on face book using her dog daisy to collect funds from without her consent to do so. The dog daisy was a client or ryan thomas owner of freeanimaldoctor.Org
Https://www.Freeanimaldoctor.Org/projects/daisy-was-hit-by-a-car-broken-pelvis/ this link shows this is proof, michael sent screen shots to andreal of the posting of her dog, she also said she was contacting facebook and police of the scam, we have evidence of this chat in messenger on facebook and a phone record of michael and andreal phone call, because a neighbor of mike's was also hearing the conversation between the two, he will witness this, we will not discuss who he works for but his reputation is outstanding in the line of work he does, a day later andreal seem to change he mind about foxies fund and soon was also involved in the fraud scheme, first art smith a admin used her pet to collect bogus funds on and when she was caught contacted andreal and paid her off the keep her mouth shut about what happen, we have all this evidence and if andreal wants challenge this we will be more than happy to take her on, because she double dipped on funds for her injured pet making her a fraud as well, this is a felon crime to do this & we can prove she steped into the crime that occurred on her dog daisy taking a pay off by the foxies fund inc & foxies fund facebook group, you can not change facebook chat between people, michael also talk to ryan thomas in messenger and over the phone about this fraud that took place, so for andreal this is a heads up, michael's neighbor heard every bit of you two conversation and you will play hell & high water proving this person as a liar, you art smith, randy boles & dominick tambone are criminals this can be proven be on a doubt, there is screen shots from facebook messenger, phone records & a witness to this matter of fraud that occurred. Foxies fund has been involved in many other bogus fraud collection schemes that can be uprooted & proven the bunch is very shady. Our advise don't donate or trust art smith real name beverly murphy, dominick tambone, randy boles also known as gillian algoode, kelly scott sandusky or wise karen know as karen wise