After putting out a request at Alibaba, this company contacted me, because they had the items I was looking for.
After some questions I decide to buy some articels from this seller. They give me a quote and I had to pay by. Telegraphic Transfer. I don't like this method of payment but I had done it before and it went well then.
But as soon as I had done the transfer they had trouble getting the stuff together and then problems getting the stuff through customs and after that no contact again.
The claimed marketing manager of forbser contacted me with some quotation and we negotiated well. After payment , she said she lost her number but am seeing her online on whatsapp still duping other people. It is very frustrating and two of my friend that put their money on the business lost their life. Reviews
After putting out a request at Alibaba, this company contacted me, because they had the items I was looking for.
After some questions I decide to buy some articels from this seller. They give me a quote and I had to pay by. Telegraphic Transfer. I don't like this method of payment but I had done it before and it went well then.
But as soon as I had done the transfer they had trouble getting the stuff together and then problems getting the stuff through customs and after that no contact again.
is all about scam
The claimed marketing manager of forbser contacted me with some quotation and we negotiated well. After payment , she said she lost her number but am seeing her online on whatsapp still duping other people. It is very frustrating and two of my friend that put their money on the business lost their life.