Stay far away from this company. They charge you to advertise in National Real Estate Companies Customer Folders and claim they are publishing the next issue 6 months later. They never follow up and when you call them only get voicemail with no call backs. I paid them over a year ago and did not get a sample and did not see even one folder containing my advertisement at any of the Remax Real Estate office they claimed would have it. Now I call and email to get my money back and can't reach anyone and get no response. In fact, the emails are bouncing back. These guys are a major scam and are using brand names to gain credibility. DO NOT TRUST THEM.
Folder Maxx Reviews
Stay far away from this company. They charge you to advertise in National Real Estate Companies Customer Folders and claim they are publishing the next issue 6 months later. They never follow up and when you call them only get voicemail with no call backs. I paid them over a year ago and did not get a sample and did not see even one folder containing my advertisement at any of the Remax Real Estate office they claimed would have it. Now I call and email to get my money back and can't reach anyone and get no response. In fact, the emails are bouncing back. These guys are a major scam and are using brand names to gain credibility. DO NOT TRUST THEM.